Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I mean what DID she want them to come do. Calling those folks wasting their time with that nonsense.

🤣🤣🤣 i mean the joke was out of pocket but the sentiment behind it was necessary, ma’am why would you call the POLICE to parent your child…what would you have them do that couldn’t be done without them


Mannnnn :lol:

diabolical work 😂 imagine thinking this would be a good idea even a few months from now 😮‍💨

"You are a sex trafficker if you use the app."


an app facilitating this is definitionally wylin’

😮‍💨 bro really has to organize cross country play dates for all his chirren to meet…them intros going to be eventually epic tho, they all have anime/comic book character names 😅 respect to him tho for at least making the effort to get them all together (even tho it’s of his own doing)

man definitely be wildin, but they already weren’t trying to hear none of that nonsense he was talking about from his 1st appearance that went viral 🤣🤣🤣

these joints are hilarious & reveals a lil’ something about where thing are today even w/the contrived nature of these type tings…
Back in the day, pre Hot Ones before more were into spice that was the case in my experience. The liquid lava **** was def from the more country folk.
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