Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Austin Reaves definitely feels bad during them lakers group showers


What's the real world?

I know a good amout people look down on a lot of jobs but a good amount of people couldn't handle working in a kitchen/restaurant or any face paced type environment.

People have been making rage quit videos for years. Like when they get on the intercom rant then quit. And let's not forget where the term going postal came from.

Ignoring the labeling of the video but not sure what will be expected when the real world hits them.

What's the real world?

I know a good amout people look down on a lot of jobs but a good amount of people couldn't handle working in a kitchen/restaurant or any face paced type environment.

People have been making rage quit videos for years. Like when they get on the intercom rant then quit. And let's not forget where the term going postal came from.

He needs to find himself an office job until he graduates and gets into the field he wants. He's emotionally unstable, and that job is already demanding as is, and takes a toll on the average person. So he needs to remove himself from that kind of pressure for his own well being. I've been fortunate to have never worked in a fast food place, a mall, or any of those face to face customer type jobs and I've been working since I was 17 and I'm 41 now. The pressure, the disrespect, the managerial ineptness :smh:, I would spazz on a customer quick fast, or quit before **** got out of hand. Which is why I always feel bad for employees who have to deal with rude ******* customers, or if they are short staffed and lines are mad long. It's not made for everyone, so props to those who keep it together everyday because I know on the inside they are screaming.

Damn, that father messed up.

I never like stuff like this being put on the internet though. It isn't our business.

I am not condoning what the father did.
I am not condoning what the father did.
I am not condoning what the father did.
I am not condoning what the father did.
I am not condoning what the father did.

It's sad that this may result in their family breaking up. I can hear the hurt in the daughter's voice, it seems like the father was still someone to be respected in her eyes and now that image has been tainted. It's never a good feeling when a child sees a parent as flawed, but I don't agree with how they went about doing it. That's not the public's business, even if it was in private, as the father I couldn't allow my children to talk to me in that way and try to violate and embarrass me. They have every right to be upset, and if they want to discuss what happened as a family we can, but you're not going to be reading personal exchanges between me and someone else out loud like that. Divorce is painful for children and the spouse who wants to stay in the marriage, but them girls look grown. They're going to have to get over that ****. One of them said he was a piece of ****, and been wrote him off. I don't know what that is about, but at the end of the day staying in a relationship you don't want to be in doesn't help anyone. He can still be a great father to you without being with your mom. Now if he's just a piece of **** human being, then why would you want him to be with your mom in the first place? Better for her to move on and find someone who will cherish her.

Daughters snooping through their Father's phone?

Seek and ye shall find.

I wonder if they checked their Mother's phone or nah.

People should probably mind their own business and not invade the privacy of others.

Cant imagine the devastation some young man would endure by snooping through his Mothers phone.

Lets just say those goodnight kisses might hit different.

Either way = His only real choice:


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A lot of talks about "Dangerous" messaging & what type of messaging should be promoted... one of the biggest late night host is running jokes about murdering babies :stoneface:

I swear this **** is the ******* twilight zone
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