Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Coworker told me the reason she was late to work earlier this week is because she spent the whole night masturbating, for hours on end, and didn't realize she was still going when she had to get ready to leave for work.

Wilding doesn't even begin to cut it
Pics, or you sir are wildin :evil::pimp:
Why would you tell that story about your "friend" and then post her pic? What would she say if she knew you did that? Unless yall discussed posting this info beforehand, you wildin thinkin ur doing it.
I know she wouldn't mind at all but you're right. I do have explicit permission from her to share that story, along with anything else about her that she shares with me unless she specifically asks for it to stay private, but you’re right in pointing out that there’s no reason to add more info than necessary.
I don’t go around irl sharing our private discussions either way but out of all kinds of wacky stories, she’s only ever asked me to keep one thing to myself. The compulsive masturbating issue is something she’s been open about, our workplace encourages full openness about any and all struggles.
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I know she wouldn't mind at all but you're right. I do have explicit permission from her to share that story, along with anything else about her that she shares with me unless she specifically asks for it to stay private, but you’re right in pointing out that there’s no reason to add more info than necessary.
I don’t go around irl sharing our private discussions either way but out of all kinds of wacky stories, she’s only ever asked me to keep one thing to myself. The compulsive masturbating issue is something she’s been open about, our workplace encourages full openness about any and all struggles.
Tell your friend she has nothing to worry about, I'd watch her masturbate.

Tell your friend she has nothing to worry about, I'd watch her masturbate.

I’m just glad we don’t have to answer to an HR department :lol:
Last year at her birthday party, our boss (who is the longtime girlfriend of one of my other close friends) walked in on her snorting some lines in the bathroom :smh::lol:

That then turned into our boss asking her all kinds of ‘wow how does it feel? I’m so curious’ type questions infront of everyone
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I know she wouldn't mind at all but you're right. I do have explicit permission from her to share that story, along with anything else about her that she shares with me unless she specifically asks for it to stay private, but you’re right in pointing out that there’s no reason to add more info than necessary.
I don’t go around irl sharing our private discussions either way but out of all kinds of wacky stories, she’s only ever asked me to keep one thing to myself. The compulsive masturbating issue is something she’s been open about, our workplace encourages full openness about any and all struggles.

Nah eff that post the pic. :lol:
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