Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

when i was younger we used to tail people and sneak in to the paid parking lot in the medical center.
one time i was too slow and the arm came down and my truck sent the arm flying like 15 feet. everyone on the street just froze and looked at me. me and my homie were dying.
i didn't get in any trouble though and everyone got free parking that day :smokin
We used the water hose

And it didn't even have to be your house or your friends houses. Just see a hose, turn it on, start drinking :lol:
It was hot AF from the water still in the hose but then after like 10 seconds it was cool. And you could be a normal person and just drink from it from how the water was shooting to the side, or put your thumb over part of the hose like a weirdo and make it come out faster and drink from that.

And then after that you probably made some mud from all the water and depending on how many friends you were with, so your shoes got muddy. Good times, good times
A co-worker just said the the COVID Vaccine isn’t really a vaccine, but rather a method to put nan-microchips into people. I’m done with life after this statement.
There are people on NT that believe this too....
There was an article that came out that said they were planning on putting gps trackers ON the vaccines to track where the vaccine's are going.
People just saw the words "gps" and "tracking" and automatically assumed the chips where going into their body....
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