Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

This is going on in America yet every year we here whinny middle class white people like...

To be honest, I think we must let due process work. Due Process hasn't always been afforded to people that look like Aunt Becky so I will wait and see.
To be honest, I think we must let due process work. Due Process hasn't always been afforded to people that look like Aunt Becky so I will wait and see.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."


"Due Process hasn't always been afforded to people that look like Aunt Becky so I will wait and see."


Fools wilden²
He was going to have google searching for they ***.

Google .com search:
What to do if a wild youtuber comes to your place of work looking for answers? "Search"

Reading up on the story, don't know if we have a thread for this, but for the students who cheated do you kick them out of school?

how are u even asking this? they didnt even take 2 of the tests required to get in. got in under false pretenses by being listed as student athletes and probably received scholarships for that.

this whole situation is so disgusting for multiple reasons. ill just save time and bullet point

1. u just KNOW the parents have been cheating their kids thru life, this isnt the first time
2. as a minority, it pisses me off to know they.. already born with a huge headstart as a RICH caucasian in america... still need to cheat
3. what kinda kids did u raise, who are ok with cheating their way into something so big? u know they woulda grown up to be lil trumps
4. SAT and ACT officials were in on the bribes? so kids studying their *** off for months and these dudes out here getting bribed?
5. COLLEGE COACHES CAN GET STUDENTS INTO A SCHOOL!? confirmed. college sports are the backbone of major schools and the athletes still arent allowed to get paid.
6. wait, so schools take recommendations from their coaches and dont even vet who is suggested? coach said they play and theyre good, so ok... let em in? dont check credentials or background to see they NEVER played a sport ever? schools need to be investigated and punished as well
7. i just want to put this out there. the people tied up in this are guilty of embezzlement, bribery, multiple cases and types of fraud, and racketeering. reports say theyre facing up to 20 years in fed for it. by comparison.... jussie smollett is up for 48 years for 1 false police report. not defending jussie... just comparing the difference.

and the cherry on top

tekthemaestro tekthemaestro I repped you as what you stated was on point regarding this bribery scandal but I don't think that Jussie is gonna get 48 years. Maybe a year on probation with community service. His TV/movie career is done though, like Spacey's.
tekthemaestro tekthemaestro I repped you as what you stated was on point regarding this bribery scandal but I don't think that Jussie is gonna get 48 years. Maybe a year on probation with community service. His TV/movie career is done though, like Spacey's.
Spacey will be byke. He’s got specific advantage
tekthemaestro tekthemaestro I repped you as what you stated was on point regarding this bribery scandal but I don't think that Jussie is gonna get 48 years. Maybe a year on probation with community service. His TV/movie career is done though, like Spacey's.

he likely wont get 48. im just pointing out the fact that they hit him with 16 felonies totaling up to that just for a lie... compared to these clowns out here with a pyramid scheme worth of fraud and money laundering up for half the amount of time lol. his lie was worth up to 48 years. their lies, fraud, embezzlement, bribing, and money laundering thru a charity.... is worth about 20. L.O.L.
how are u even asking this? they didnt even take 2 of the tests required to get in. got in under false pretenses by being listed as student athletes and probably received scholarships for that.

this whole situation is so disgusting for multiple reasons. ill just save time and bullet point
Dude relax just starting a discussion I am all for expelling the students, but the article said the parents are being charged and not the kids. If the kids know they are doing something illegal I think they should also be charged. However you don't want to ruin little Johnny's future.
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