Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


Superintendent is doing it
Legal system is wilding :smh:

The windows were iced before you got in the car though?
Why are the blocking the face and the license plate? That is complete lunacy, he/she can kill someone doing that nonsense :smh:
As bad as the people that have a foot of snow on top of there car and they just let it blow off while they driving. Saw a guy in a pickup have a sheet of ice fly up in the air and come crashing down. Somehow still not a law to clean off your car. :smh:

fLorida – Secretary of State Michael Ertel resigns after pics emerge of him in blackface and red lipstick

The Miami Herald is reporting today that Florida Secretary of State Michael Ertel, newly appointed by Governor @RonDeSantisFL, resigned after pictures emerged of him in blackface and red lipstick, wearing earrings, a New Orleans Saints bandanna, and falsies under a shirt that says “Katrina Victim” at a 2005 Halloween party, because Florida.

what the hell is goin on down there?!?

fLorida – Secretary of State Michael Ertel resigns after pics emerge of him in blackface and red lipstick

The Miami Herald is reporting today that Florida Secretary of State Michael Ertel, newly appointed by Governor @RonDeSantisFL, resigned after pictures emerged of him in blackface and red lipstick, wearing earrings, a New Orleans Saints bandanna, and falsies under a shirt that says “Katrina Victim” at a 2005 Halloween party, because Florida.

what the hell is goin on down there?!?

In what world is that costume funny? :smh::angry:
Bet money he left that pile of snow on the hood of his car and that **** slid to his front window.

The snow was probably too heavy for this windshield wipers to work.

I've had that happen to me once but I was no where near a highway.

Don't be lazy and wipe off all the snow on your car. That's a ticket in some places.

You're right they shouldn't be lazy when it comes to cleaning off their car. That **** could fly back on the car behind them and temporarily blind that driver. But it doesn't even matter how it got up there, this fool is literally trying to wipe it off while driving:smh: Where do you do that at?


Superintendent is doing it
Legal system is wilding :smh:

It's so sad that we're living in a country where adequate healthcare is foreign to so many people. The fact that this individual has to do **** like this just so someone can receive care that we all should be entitled to is crazy as hell. The system is corrupt as ****, and the lil person always gets ****** up the *** as a result.

Dont some of these new generation cars hsve heated windows? Still stupid, just pull over and get the job done.

Maybe just maybe the snow may have feel on his/her windshield while going under a underpass.

All he/she had to do was pull over, that's it.

spiceman80 spiceman80 @illwill8710 alchemist iq alchemist iq Ashamed to say that this was local to Toronto. Waste-woman should've pulled over to the side and cleared her windshield.

She had snow build up on her roof that she didn't clear off. When she braked it came right down on the windshield.



fLorida – Secretary of State Michael Ertel resigns after pics emerge of him in blackface and red lipstick

The Miami Herald is reporting today that Florida Secretary of State Michael Ertel, newly appointed by Governor @RonDeSantisFL, resigned after pictures emerged of him in blackface and red lipstick, wearing earrings, a New Orleans Saints bandanna, and falsies under a shirt that says “Katrina Victim” at a 2005 Halloween party, because Florida.

what the hell is goin on down there?!?

But we're always using the race card right? :smh: We are the crazy sensitive ones

Real life version of “Buck, who came to ****” from the Kill Bill movie. Insane.

Disgusting :smh:...How can anyone do **** like that.
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