Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Woman in blackface costume at Bay Area Staples store stuns customers


When paying for his item, he told the cashier that he felt the costume was offensive and inappropriate. The cashier agreed and said the woman had explained to her that it was a Sharpie pen costume.

Another customer saw that same worker at Staples and recorded a conversation where she asked about the costume.
the woman initially joked she was a "Napa fire spa guest" before explaining that she was a "beauty shop customer."

Bland asked why her face was black, and the worker stated it was a "charcoal mask." When Bland then said it looked like blackface, the woman replied, "Oh no no no. That's not me, that's not me."
Bland pressed on, asking her if she could see why the makeup could be taken as blackface, the woman gestured toward her curlers, saying, "That's why I put (the curlers) up" before ending with, "I apologize if you feel that way."

Every Halloween these inbred trolls come out trying to be funny. Too bad someone to slap some sense into her. Regardless of what she says we all know damn well what she is doing. Add to the fact she didn't give an accurate or consistent explanation of her costume.

When confronted most bigots melt into cowardice.


Bruh sharpies are grey. Wheres the grey?

Was thinking the same ****, lol...but we know she is full of ****

He looks more like a young bill gates :lol:

I was thinking Austin Powers

When are they going to start requiring people to take a test before allowing them to have social media accounts?
I used to be blind about social injustice. I always thought people exaggerate things and they went off rambling nonsesence, but one day I stop and listened. I started to observe and see the difference in treatment, headlines, stories, narratives, etc.

**** is scary .....

This will never end.

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