Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Not sure why you got a warning for this :lol:
I've Gotten Warnings For Literally Nothing before. I'll be a man about things and admit when I've been wrong but sometimes method be on his extra **** warning and banning people cuz the mood strikes him
yea he's a bit up tight, even when you're just trying to talk normally to him
yea it's his thing though so I just leave it alone. Even almost quit posting here a few times cuz of it. I just talk to him minimally to avoid all that, not worth it, there are some cool people here
Yall gonna get this thread locked. :smh:

Especially with the borderline ish that gets posted here sometimes. Like girl with syrup on her face. Probably not a good idea to throw shade at Meth :smh:
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That's the equivalent to people who live in the US not liking Obama. At which point do you draw the line of freedom of speech/expression?
stop talking about it.... 

every post I make is gonna be scrutinized if you guys keep pushing the issue

Cant believe that ***** went from that steve harvey look to dreads in a matter of minutes smh
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