Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

thats her ig. All those posts really say is that she still wastes her time dealing with stupid comments. She does get petty when she wants to just like any normal girl
the girl saying her "fans" deserve free things like prada bags because they are poor is prolly the dumbest thing I've read while Rihanna has donated money to actually help
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"Whites" are the ones who run this country.

That's why the hands are white.

Dope picture, gun should've been reversed so it looks like he's handing it to him rather then pointing it.
naw, i think the gun has to do with the attention that black males suddenly got with the killings from the police.
sidenote: they should have changed the football or basketball for a mic, gold chain, or something imo


those uncivil dudes are no better than any other bigots

.. i do admit tho.  a few parts of the youtube had me rofl.  

this part where they zoom into the guy being called a pedo is hilarious

Dope video. I love watching nature.

I wonder if the second monkey was the elder of the group or something.
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