Wife made a nice meal tonight. Stopped by the Asian supermarket and picked up a few things. Basic ramen, scallops, vegetable dumplings, steamed broccoli, and fried fish. The boil included, shrimp, corn, potatoes and mussels. She has a tendency to cook big meals when she’s upset so now I gotta find out what’s wrong. :lol:

Would be open to more Chicken Ramens, "wet" pork looks disgusting to me. Not a big pork fan outside of pepperoni and ribs to be honest.

I struggled to find ramen that looked good to me while I was in Japan. Pork, Pork, Pork everywhere

Yeah, majority of ramen is pork based.
Did you try Soba/Udon while there? That's dashi based.
U ever have sweet n sour pork belly or lechon.

I've never met anyone of any race who eats pork and doesn't like lechon.
Nah man, mental block won't allow me to try that stuff.

And Black Olives on Pizza is probably my favorite non-protein topping
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Isn't balut enough for you?
Watch bizzare foods to get inspired.
Haha i find it funny ppl think balut is out of the ordinary. Not saying this in a negative way though.
Im cambodian grew up eating it on special occasions. Lil bit of black pepper and lime sauce in it, its fire. Found it funny that the conestants on Fear Factor couldnt eat it many years ago back when joe rogan was the host. My parents were laughing hysterically watching that episode
I thought "weird" depended on culture/region. Ballouts might be out of the question for US All Americans, but for others, it might be whatever.
Are you back yet?

Best 3 meals you ate.


Nasi lemak- it's their national dish. There's so many variations that you can pretty much eat it for every meal. It's basically rice made with coconut milk and it's steamed in some kinda leaves, I wanna say banana but I'm not too sure. Depending what meal of the day it's for you might get an egg(either hard-boiled or fried) on top of the rice, with some chillied onion and anchovies (pretty spicy), also some peanuts. Can also have fried chicken or curry chicken. My favorite one was from the street vendor, the way they wrapped it up in the leaf was dope.

Chilli crab- I stayed away from shellfish for years after I got an allergic reaction and my face swelled up. The driver that took me to this next town kept raving about this seafood spot where everything was fresh and how we will go there to break our fast. I didn't wanna diss and reject his suggestion and I also wanted to try the food how the locals ate it so I agreed. I was gonna order just fish but he ordered for us and I saw crab came. I had to try it, and it was amazing. Luckily I didn't have an allergic reaction to it but even if I did it was that good it wouldve been worth it :lol:

There was this dessert they told me was very popular. I honestly can't remember the name but it was shaved iced, then they had red bean, sweet corn, grass jelly, and some next kind that was green. Some ice cream on top and then you pour Palm sugar over top so the ice on the bottom absorbs the sugar. Pretty good.

I'd definitely go back and I'd recommend checking it out. People were really friendly and everything was mad cheap. It was almost a 4:1 exchange for the USD.

There was a lot of other food I seen that looked good but I'd see them during the day and didn't wanna buy it and end up eating it in the evening. Wouldn't be the same as getting it fresh. There was one they used a bamboo tube and lined the inside with banana leaves and stuffed it with rice, coconut milk and flour and cooked it over a flame. They told me it was a traditional thing they'd make while they were out in the countryside in the woods hunting or whatever.
And why did you go? You got folks out there?

No family out there. Just wanted and needed a break. They speak English so communication wasn't bad at all, and it's also a Muslim country. It's actually very diverse, there was all types of food and restaurants out there.
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