I opted out of trying anything from here

Can we have an open and adult conversation about how to approach finishing you plate…..

My wife drives me nuts because she NEVER ever finishes one thing, her plate always has bites out of everything but never ever is one thing ate to completion….

Exhibit A

Me I am the exact opposite, I don’t take a bite out of my burger until the fries are gone. I NEVER partake in the main course until sides are finished…. And even then I must each one side till completion until I move on to the next one

Exhibit B

In this example the broccoli was the first to go followed by the sweet potato then I had the entire plate to work with when approaching my steak
Can we have an open and adult conversation about how to approach finishing you plate…..

My wife drives me nuts because she NEVER ever finishes one thing, her plate always has bites out of everything but never ever is one thing ate to completion….
Yea, that would drive me crazy man.

When you try to speak to her about it what does she say is the reason behind it?

Maybe her parents forced her to finish her plate as a child and this is the rebellion against it?

Having three taco tabs open at the same time is some WILD behavior. My goodness.
Can we have an open and adult conversation about how to approach finishing you plate…..

My wife drives me nuts because she NEVER ever finishes one thing, her plate always has bites out of everything but never ever is one thing ate to completion….

Exhibit A

Me I am the exact opposite, I don’t take a bite out of my burger until the fries are gone. I NEVER partake in the main course until sides are finished…. And even then I must each one side till completion until I move on to the next one

Exhibit B

In this example the broccoli was the first to go followed by the sweet potato then I had the entire plate to work with when approaching my steak

Yall both ****oo tbh fam. :lol:

I cant imagine having to finish one thing at a time in order. Like a burger, fries, nuggets example: im not gonna eat all the fries first, then the nuggets then the burgers. Thats a madness bro. Your wife too but on a different type.
Pulled up to Wendy’s planned out my breakfast and everything… placed my order via mobile to pick up at the drive-thru and there’s nobody in the damn store to make my food.

The one day I choose to do this, they don’t show up to work to open the store.

I had to cancel my order & leave. ☹️

🤬 Wendy’s! 🖕

They need to fire that person, because no one is getting breakfast this morning.
My friend wants to know where this place is at
It’s called FoodieLand….. a place that has all the Fativities no rational human being should ever experience. My son is a foodie and 17 ( never gets full ) so he found it and wanted the family to go. It happens once or twice a year in select states . Typically it’s about 200 different street vendors
Yea, that would drive me crazy man.

When you try to speak to her about it what does she say is the reason behind it?

Maybe her parents forced her to finish her plate as a child and this is the rebellion against it?

Having three taco tabs open at the same time is some WILD behavior. My goodness.
So we had a discussion last night and apparently she feels she will get full and not be able to taste the other items if she finishes the first one she starts therefore in her eyes by taking sample size bites out of every dish she feels her plate is finished by virtue of having gotten to try everything on her plate.

I told her she can’t just take care of the main course because the main course isn’t as good without something on the side……. And that’s where the adult discussion went left lol
It’s called FoodieLand….. a place that has all the Fativities no rational human being should ever experience. My son is a foodie and 17 ( never gets full ) so he found it and wanted the family to go. It happens once or twice a year in select states . Typically it’s about 200 different street vendors

Foodieland was good but the best vendors have insane lines to wait in. Next time I go I’m gonna have a better plan of attack. Everybody in the family is gonna wait in a different line so we can maximize food and time.
I don’t get the appeal of that sort of stuff.

I’d rather have one good meal than wait around in lines all day for small bites of stuff. It’s a weird concept to me.

I get it, you get to try a few things in a short amount of time. They are usually decent servings too. 2-3 of those places and youre full. Smorgasborg is popular here in NYC.
I don’t get the appeal of that sort of stuff.

I’d rather have one good meal than wait around in lines all day for small bites of stuff. It’s a weird concept to me.
Yea I tried it years ago but it was beer instead of food and the lines ruined the experience. Never again
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