Ready for this sushi fad to be over with

Mfs really eat raw fish from the pollluted ocean with nuclear and petro waste then wonder why cancer rates are up.

I doubt most are using farmed fish to maintain authenticity with tradition

Dame, nyc. best fish n chip i had hands down. better than the ones i had in London. the owner/chef is english so it’s super authentic.

Dame, nyc. best fish n chip i had hands down. better than the ones i had in London. the owner/chef is english so it’s super authentic.
That looks good. The fish and chips I had a couple times on my London trip was trash, but it was admittedly not at one of the top places or anything like that.

love watchig dudes videos

he hits a nice lil ducky spot here in philly that not many including myself talk about when people ask for cheesesteaks

ill always reply angelos tbh though because youll never regret it

i will say i dont enjoy scrapple though
Not the a grandma slices? I honestly don’t think I have ever had their normal pizza there.
I stick to the square & regular slices. How's the grandma slice? I'll give it a shot next time. Honestly didn't even know they do grandma since the lions share of the hype here goes to the square slice.
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