Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

This country is too divided. Economically, politically, racially, culturally, morally. Also inherently violent like others have alluded too. This will never change until our social constructs change. We shouldn't have guns because they don't mesh with our culture. They should be an earned "right."
American culture as a whole is inherently violent and that’s something that needs to be addressed. It’s other developed countries with higher gun usage who have access to the same violent movies, tv shows, music, and video games yet are much better than this country is at separating life from art.

That's because generally speaking, those countries don't put the profit motive above the need of their citizens to be safe and healthy.

We just don't do that in the US.
If we can’t ban guns then can we at least take mental illness seriously? A lot of these shooters are depressed and in a sick way, this is their outlet.

Teachers are heros and should be paid like doctors and lawyers. Not only do they shape our future but now they risk their lives everyday and time and time again our society and government fails them.
If we can’t ban guns then can we at least take mental illness seriously? A lot of these shooters are depressed and in a sick way, this is their outlet.

Teachers are heros and should be paid like doctors and lawyers. Not only do they shape our future but now they risk their lives everyday and time and time again our society and government fails them.

except the ones who fraternize

and the paid liars, racists etc

but the jaime escalantes yea
If we can’t ban guns then can we at least take mental illness seriously? A lot of these shooters are depressed and in a sick way, this is their outlet.

Teachers are heros and should be paid like doctors and lawyers. Not only do they shape our future but now they risk their lives everyday and time and time again our society and government fails them.

I don’t know about teachers getting paid the same as doctors, that’s a bit of a reach and it isn’t normal for it to be hazardous to teach...paying them more isn’t gonna solve this issue.
consider the cultural realities at play tho...that country was founded on guns. you will LITERALLY have to pry them out of many cold, dead hands.

England has a 1000 year history, a legacy that extends back to the sword. America was set up like last week and has ALWAYS had guns.

guns are the second thing the founders thought about when drafting documents to govern this experimental new nation.

before searches and seizure and self incrimination and fair trials and states' rights.

it's like a cultural birth defect. you might as well try to change the flag.

This country will nevvvvvveeeerrrrrr ban guns ever. It's culture here. The enforcement alone would be incredibly dangerous, especially with registered owners. Some of these folks with guns are literally waiting for some **** like that to happen. Mf got those "Come and take it" shirts with the long rifles under the words, ain't no way in hell police are agreeing to enforce that.

All them backwoods militants already thinking they're under attack wake up one day and hear "the US government has officially banned the possession of firearms". Imagine that America.

We gotta fix this ability to get guns so easy though that **** makes no sense at all and I'm a gun owner. Americans are crazy as hell.

Also life for possession of a gun is crazy talk, they'd start pressing minorities even harder especially in inner city areas.
Maybe I am stuck on semantics but banning somthing that will still be there is a weird concept to me

I know banning guns aren’t gonna make them disappear overnight, but once and hand full of the right people catch that life sentence, they’ll see the ban is for real. Especially, if they’ve paying people to turn their guns in. You gonna pass up money to do an elbow, just to look hard?
Still agree with chapelle theory on high priced bullets. Allow for free purchase and use in licensed ranges. Taxed to oblivion for personal use. School shooter can think twice about emptying a clip of bullets when that clip is worth a few racks. legally obtained or not. make crime prohibitively expensive.
Still agree with chapelle theory on high priced bullets. Allow for free purchase and use in licensed ranges. Taxed to oblivion for personal use. School shooter can think twice about emptying a clip of bullets when that clip is worth a few racks. legally obtained or not. make crime prohibitively expensive.

I agree with this too. Ammo cheaper than a meal at Chickfila.
consider the cultural realities at play tho...the country was founded on guns. you will LITERALLY have to pry them out of many cold, dead hands.

You sho right! Like I said let the right people catch that L. Let the judge tell Paw Paw he gonna die in a hole with very same people he was scared of over a .38. Folks will get in line.

Oh you want to go to war over your guns? You think a bunch of good ol boys can take on the US military? In the 21st century??

I never said anything about people NOT dying over this.
The **** man. :smh:

CNN played some footage from one of the classrooms.

Hearing those AR rounds going off was jarring to say the least.

RIP to the victims. |l
I don’t know about teachers getting paid the same as doctors, that’s a bit of a reach and it isn’t normal for it to be hazardous to teach...paying them more isn’t gonna solve this issue.

I don’t think it would solve this issue, that was just a general statement. I think they should be paid way more, it’s not an easy job and it’s a cornerstone profession in our society. I think more qualified individuals would apply and it would weed out the bad teachers. I was blessed to have great teachers, I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

Like I said, I think investing more into mental health would help with this issue. I think it’s still stigmatized to seek help when you know something is wrong. It’s a shame nothing has changed since columbine
U know if this guy was black.....
(Finish the sentence)
His momma woulda raised him better than that and he wouldve had enough child abuse episodes from his home life that school life with bullying is a breeze in comparison
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