Finishline Managers - Need help please

Nov 3, 2002
Just turned 30 and am hating my job. I've been toying with ideas on how to make work life better and something I came up with was trying to work at afinishline. I have two college degrees and feel qualified for a manager in training position that is open in my area. Just wondering what kind of salary youguys/girls make? Is there a cap or do you get regular raises? Would you suggest it? I need a little inside info before deciding to pursue a career change. Anyinfo/help is appreciated. Thanks!
i would not suggest it at all! you are obviously educated so seek a better position that suits your education. im not a mgr. but i used to be a mgr forjcpenney (similar program M.I.T made about 44k) but i work at finishline p/t to help my good friend out who is the mgr. he's been a mgr for 2 years andwith the company for 5. he makes roughly 41k. in va. His checks including the selling of 10 insoles a week are 1100 at best after takes and all. besidesdespite your passion and love for shoes. it's not all what its cracked up to be. i want to quit so bad. but i owe him a favor.

let me know if you have anymore questions.

*oh yeah sorry i didnt answer all ur questions the first time. but... raises are based off your stores productivity. obviously you know that shoes are notmaking the same numbers as they used to. (hence: footlocker shutting down) however u get minimal raises based off you inventory numbers your efficiency ofmanaging your labor hours in comparison to your budget. etc... also the salary is always going to be based off where you live and the numbers that your storeputs up (our finishline is about a $1.2 million store). hope that helps. but al in all i say seek something else.
what are your degrees in

if you have a college degree you could do far better than working in finishline

if you do love shoes perhaps you should look into opening your own shoe store
Thanks for the info you two! My degrees are both in the Communications area. The Finishline salary would be a drop off from what I'm currently doing. I wasjust trying to think of things that would make me happy to go to work every day (kind of an oxymoron, I realize), and working with kicks was something thatcame to mind. I have definitely thought of opening my own store, but everything I hear about obtaining contracts with companies seems like that would be prettyhard. Plus you're talking a major investment there and I'm getting married later this year and hoping to buy the house I'm renting within 6 monthsof the wedding, so the capital isn't available at this point. Anyhow I'm just doing some research and discovery at this point. Definitely appreciatethe feedback!
Push trees on the side.

You could be making an extra 3-400 a week gramming up.
Originally Posted by AJfiend

Thanks for the info you two! My degrees are both in the Communications area. The Finishline salary would be a drop off from what I'm currently doing. I was just trying to think of things that would make me happy to go to work every day (kind of an oxymoron, I realize), and working with kicks was something that came to mind. I have definitely thought of opening my own store, but everything I hear about obtaining contracts with companies seems like that would be pretty hard. Plus you're talking a major investment there and I'm getting married later this year and hoping to buy the house I'm renting within 6 months of the wedding, so the capital isn't available at this point. Anyhow I'm just doing some research and discovery at this point. Definitely appreciate the feedback!

It wouldn't. I worked at a Finish Line (also in VA actually) for 2 and a half years. Worst job. My managers were nice but you could clearly see howstressed they were at all times. They offered me the Assistant Manager position but I refused and bounced because they were saying it would be something like10 or 11 an hour. M.I.Ts don't make much more than that. Managers get around 40k a year. You have two degrees in Communications. Why don't you trysomething having to do with Nike directly or something? Like P.R. for Nike or even a sports team. Think big man.
Working for Finishline sucks. Every manager I've ever known has hated it except for the ones in the huge stores who are making good money.
Dude.. no.. I'm with a rival company and my manager makes around 40k. I mean, sure you get bonuses for sales gains and whatnot but its not the"ideal" job you think it would be.

From unreliable PTs and AMs to Corporate '___ and moanin' and I wont even get started on some of the customers.

What you wanna be looking into is a District Manager position. Sadly, you'll need to be a manager, sorry, a GOOD manager for x amount of years and havethat professional image.

From what I've heard, a DM doesnt have to do too much and if you stay on top of your District, the bonuses are pretty sweet. As much as I hate my job,I'd consider being a manager for 2-3 years ONLY if I was GUARANTEED a DM position. Then you'd become a Regional VP and the bonuses are NICE.

Honestly, you're 30.. look more into the corporate side of FNL. I'm sure there are better opportunities for you there.
In the words of Cris1...

"Don't believe the hype."

WOW, thanks for all of the feedback! Consider my eyes opened! I've been looking on the side for a new job in my technical area (video editing) for quite awhile now. Mo, I've checked all the spots and teams in Philly and the immediate area and no one seems to be hiring. Guess I'm gonna have to beat somedoors down now, lol! Consider FinishLine mgr. crossed off my list of possible targets for a career change. Thanks again for the info.
any management job in retail is gonna b stressful as hell...

if u hate ur job now u dont want all that responsibility... 1 word for u that will make u wish u never even applied... INVENTORY...
Dude, Finishline sux. I couldn't imagine being a manager of one. My manager was pretty cool, but dude STAYED stressed. And he never got a day off--just afew hours off a day. I'd see him up there in his street clothes, stressing out on the regular.

You have TWO college degrees. Use them wisely. Finishline is NOT the answer, no matter how much you love kicks. I figured it'd be a sweet little part-timejob b/c I love shoes. WRONG.
With your education you should be working somewhere better. WHY FINISHLINE?? You have the brains. DONT WASTE IT ON FINISHLINE. I used to work there. They treatpeople like crap. Even the managers get treated like crap. LOOK ON LOSANGELES.CRAIGSLIST.ORG. You should find a job there. GOOD LUCK.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

what are your degrees in

if you have a college degree you could do far better than working in finishline

if you do love shoes perhaps you should look into opening your own shoe store
I was just trying to think of things that would make me happy to go to work every day (kind of an oxymoron, I realize), and working with kicks was something that came to mind.
After a few months, one realize's just how bad shoe retail truly is. If you think all you'll be doing is selling shoes, you'rehorribly mistaken. That's only about 1/4th of the work that has to be done to efficiently run a retail sneaker store.
Don't even get me started on "shipment". Ugh. The thought of it makes me want to commit that.
Finishline is def not the way to go if you already hate your job. overtime where you at

tell this man
after Finishline I was finished with shoe stores.
I'm going to go against the flow here. I was in nearly your exact scenario. I had been in sales for around 6 years, made 6 figures 4 of those, ran my ownoffice, was a distributor, etc. etc. etc. I decided I didn't want to do that my entire life, went back to college for a career change. I have an electronicengineering associates degree, which got me nowhere. I started at FL as a part time associate to have something to do. I had saved enough cash the previous 2years to take 4 years off work to finish school; but I got really bored with just school.

So, I'm working 10 hours a week or so. Had a visit from my DM, he offered me the same MIT position you're talking about. I said what the heck, I'lltry it out. I ABSOLUTELY love working there. I have NEVER had a SINGLE day I didn't want to go to work. As a GM, you're gonna be around 40-45K a year;not really a very good salary to be honest. But I'll take a 45k a year job I love over an 80K job I hate ANYDAY. You're gonna work a minimum of 48hours a week; Xmas time up around 60. Not sure about your situation, but I'm married, my wife makes 80-100K a year; we own our home out right. So the moneyisn't really an issue.

As long as you are mature, a good manager, good talent scout, able to get your job done because you want to be the best, then it's a great job!

Just realized I forgot to add that I'm 30 as well.
I just left being a MGR at FINL in Va and if you wanna work 50 to 60 hrs a week then go forth but they changed the salary this past yr i dont think its 40 to45 unless youre gettin inventory bonuses labor or yours stores huge, i made 38 before i was ghost.....btw they drug test all Management but not right away helli never recieved a drug test

"Finishline is def not the way to go if you already hate your job. overtime where you at
tell this man
after Finishline I was finished with shoe stores. "

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