finally..... Nas - 'Be A N*gger Too'

The first time I heard this, I was kinda taken back by it. After listening another couple times though, I'm convinced this is what Hip Hop needs right now.Like everyone else said, I kind of stopped when he hit all the racial names, but when the N word comes around it just seems like its normal any more. It goesto show how desensitized we've all become to things (not just slurs) that would've made people go wild 5-10 years ago or more.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

After about 10 consecutive spins....this joint is vicious.

Me and dude stay on the same brainwave...minus the PCP influenced gibberish.

It is ironic how you were just talking about all the other words
so word is the album is pushed back til July 1st now..

well, at least we have a "single".
pure fire. Its exactly what is needed.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

After about 10 consecutive spins....this joint is vicious.

Me and dude stay on the same brainwave...minus the PCP influenced gibberish.

It is ironic how you were just talking about all the other words

See what I was saying about everyone accepting the "N" word...but being up in arms over other "slurs"?
Instead, this dude just made an essentially aimless and contradictory song with various racial epithets and never really went anywhere. I applaud the man for tryin but this is terrible considering what could have been. I'm not completely mad though cause at least he's trying to spark debate and dialogue.
Typical Nas. Are you really surprised?

And the song is cool.
check out this article i found on nah right. its NYOIL's take on this song. if yall dont know, NYOIL has a song like this that came out a while ago called"@!%*+! @!%*+!". i would post it but it gots alot of racial slurs and im not tryin to get banned again
so just look it up on youtube if you haven't heard it.

…Does this brother realize that his attempts at diffusing the word "#**@%+" by making it some all inclusive colloquialism to represent all races is as weak as the beat he spit it too? Does he realize that when Robert Schwartz decides to stop being a #**@%+ all he has to do is change his look. maybe trade in the bapes and backpack put on a suit and he's right and exact. When Robert Yung decides he's no longer a $#!@+ he can be whatever an person of Asian decent can be in the country stereo types not withstanding. When Robert Rodriguez decides to stop being a #**@%+ he can become a proud man of Latin descent. However for Robert Jenkins who's grandparents where #%+$*+@, blown over by fire hoses and beat within an inch of their lives, when the term meant what it will always mean despite his attempts to make it a term of endearment. Whom despite his affluence or allegiance has to be as scared as a runaway slave when pulled over for driving black or shopping black, or standing in a group of more than 3 in his own neighborhood while black or any of the number of things blacks can do innocently while being black and end up dead because the cop who shot him 50 times like Shawn Bell or 42 like Amadou Diallo didn't consider himself a #**@%+…We're the only race that embraces our disgrace, and now you would have everyone else sing along with us in our shame.
theres more on the link

now i'm a fan of NYOIL and his music but it seems to me that the brother seems a little salty about the attention Nas' joint is getting while his flewunder the radar. i mean go back to NYOIL's song and he's basically trying to make the case that whites, asians, hispanics, etc etc try to act like a"N_" but when the time comes, they can take off that suit while someone like me or anyother black person in this country dont have that sameprivilege.

in all fairness, i think nas is intelligent enough to understand this and realizes this is a simple fact that cant be changed. i think he's trying todisarm this hateful word that has been used against us for so long. up until recently, i have been against the use of this word and it really hurt me and getme riled up when, for example, an angry white girl called me that. recently after re-evaluating the situation, i realized we give words their power. if i dontget offended when someone calls me a N_, then it has no power over me. its like when jeru the damaja said something to the effect of "when your mindcannot be moved from good or bad, then there is no good or bad, then there just IS" on wrath of the math
. i basically gave the word that power over me. i know i cant change thesentiments of racism in this country that have been present for hundreds of years but its a start

i know that was a long analyis/thesis on a simple song
but i guessthats what good music should do, spark some thought.
I think the only problem with this song is the chorus. The verses are
and extremely on point. But the chorus (kinda corny anyways) is what most critics are going to hear immediately, and to them, it'll sound like he'ssaying everyone's a N*gger, really. But the verses are about f'ed up race relations all over the world. Like someone said earlier, song would'vebeen way hotter with some scratched vocals for a chorus.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

so word is the album is pushed back til July 1st now..

well, at least we have a "single".

i'm not around the music forum that much but damn, I remember seeing it being released late last year.
When I first heard Nas wanted to name his album "N", I was thinking that maybe my dude was focused and was about to bring back "Nasty Nas"

After listening to this track for the past day or so, it's like Nas is trying to swing for the fence and ended up with a base hit.

Maybe Nas will make more public appearances in his "N" line to promote the album
damn the song is something straight outta the boondocks. al is gonna have a field day wit this one
Funny how this joint was on like page 3 already and it just leaked what, last night?

Hip Hop ain't dead....just the career of Nasir Jones
its great and is much needed in the period hip hop is in right now. funny how fast things changed since hip hop is dead dropped...
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