Film Trivia: Casting Changes for Famous Roles...

Billy Crystal turned down the role of Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story (1995). The role went to Tim Allen instead.

He was featured in "Inside the Actor's Studio" and they showed a casting video of him as the voice of Buzz Lightyear to actual animation. Itworked, but it wasn't the same.

- like i said, my inability to comprehend will smith as a bland Neo
That's funny.

I still think he would have shined through, but I just don't think he would been as dry and bland as Keanu inevitably is.

I don't think it was a requirement that the Matrix lead be dry and bland; I think they just wanted 'subtle and unintimidating', and Keanu simplyaccomplishes that by bing himself; dry and bland.

I think Will would have accomplished it, but still with the flair, sarcasm, and wit that he bringss to the table.
When I first saw this post, the first thing that came to mind was Harrison Ford.

From IMDB:

He turned down Kevin Costner's roles in JFK (1991), The Untouchables (1987), Dragonfly (2002), the role of Jack Ryan in The Hunt for Red October (1990) andThe Sum of All Fears (2002), Russell Crowe's role in Proof of Life (2000), Nick Nolte's roles in Cape Fear (1991) and The Thin Red Line (1998), WarrenBeatty's role as @%%+ Tracy (1990), Liam Neeson's role in Schindler's List (1993), Mel Gibson's role in The Patriot (2000), GeorgeClooney's roles in The Perfect Storm (2000) and Syriana (2005), Val Kilmer's role in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005), and Tommy Lee Jones's role in U.S.Marshals (1998), and Tom Skerritt's role in Alien (1979) . He was considered for the leads in Jurassic Park (1993), Insomnia (2002/I) and Who Framed RogerRabbit (1988).
Originally Posted by pdouly33

When I first saw this post, the first thing that came to mind was Harrison Ford.

From IMDB:

He turned down Kevin Costner's roles in JFK (1991), The Untouchables (1987), Dragonfly (2002), the role of Jack Ryan in The Hunt for Red October (1990) and The Sum of All Fears (2002), Russell Crowe's role in Proof of Life (2000), Nick Nolte's roles in Cape Fear (1991) and The Thin Red Line (1998), Warren Beatty's role as @%%+ Tracy (1990), Liam Neeson's role in Schindler's List (1993), Mel Gibson's role in The Patriot (2000), George Clooney's roles in The Perfect Storm (2000) and Syriana (2005), Val Kilmer's role in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005), and Tommy Lee Jones's role in U.S. Marshals (1998), and Tom Skerritt's role in Alien (1979) . He was considered for the leads in Jurassic Park (1993), Insomnia (2002/I) and Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988).

Forgive me if i am wrong, but how is that possible? U.S. Marshals is a spin off to The Fugitive no?
I couldn't imagine The Matrix with Will Smith, for the better atleast.

But if Will Smith would have been the lead, I bet Aaliyah would have been trinity?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The Bad Boys project was originally developed in the mid '80s but was abandoned when a slew of cop comedies came out. The two biggest comedians at the time were Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey, so naturally they were slated for the main roles. When Michael Bay took over the project some years later he insisted on casting Martin Lawrence and Will Smith.
Oh my gosh, Bad Boys coming out in the late 80s with Lovitz and Carvey as the leads...

Will Smith would've made Neo better.
I have to agree, and that's the ONLY one that I think was made WORSE due to the first choice turning the offer down. At the time, Will was freaking on top of the world, fresh off of Independence Day, the end of Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Bad Boys, and Men in Black. I think he would have been solid, and ever since I first heard that he was originally cast, I've thought it unfortunate that he turned it down. Part of the reason for my thinking lies in the fact that I abhor Keanu's acting, and I've never seen one minute of any of the Matrix movies... JUST because he's the lead actor.

And I think that there is one that should be called a push, where no clear advantage took place with the first actor or the actual actor: Mel Gibson in the Gladiator. I love that movie, and I think Mel would have been fine. I think Russell did awesome, and I think Mel would have done equally awesome.

Couldnt of put it any better.
Thank god Hanks landed Gump. Didn't Chappelle say the Bubba role was racially degrading or something?
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