FIFA 20 Black Friday Guaranteed TOTW SBC out.

In your opinion, whats the Top 3 FIFA game title that has been ever released?

  • Any FIFA before 11

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • FIFA 11

    Votes: 3 12.5%
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    Votes: 8 33.3%
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    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • FIFA 14

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • FIFA 15

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • FIFA 16

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • FIFA 17

    Votes: 5 20.8%

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Really enjoying the game so far. Only major complaint I have is that the player switching is awful. Sometimes I'll make a bad pass that bounces off someone and the game won't allow me to manually change to a player closer to the ball, instead it forces me to chase it with the player I was controlling at the time. Player switching in the defense during a counter attack is buggy as hell too.
The bicycle kicks can be a bit ridiculous at times but it is what it is. I even had a match recently that I lost 3-2 due to opponent scoring 2 bicycle kicks with Paulinho and Talisca. I've only scored 3 or 4 so far but a good amount of attempts have been saved.

Division Rivals really is a fantastic addition. Rewards are great compared to the practically non-existant online seasons rewards last year, even in the top divisions.
Was messing around at the end of a match earlier so I decided to see if I could get an assist with my GK by just hoofing it up the pitch. He didn't end up assisting the goal but it did result in some proper hoofball play. Still trying to get the hang of timed finishing, hence why the timed finish indicator is on.
Just packed Asensio in a free pack from pre ordering, one of my favorite players :pimp:

Boutta make a Spanish team around him
got Rank 1 in Division 5...out of 2 mega packs, 2 prime packs and 2 rare packs (all untradable)...this is what I got to show for it :lol:


I felt all of their pain. I damb near broke my control over some ******** last week :lol: :smh:
Bought the game when it came out and went like 2-10...horrible. Went on vacation so didnt play for a couple weeks. I've been on fire since. Here's my modest French squad.

Ben Yedder OP AF IMO. Dope squad :pimp:

Thanks man. Yea he's terrific. His IF too rich for my blood right now. Trying to upgrade when I can. Obviously Griezmann is the French striker to get, but hes going for a lot of coin.
Veron is solid, packed him from the untradeable rivals rewards. could be a lot better tho for an icon, his stamina is really low for a midfielder. In game I swap him and rodrigo.

Kongdobia is solid too. Passing could be better tho. I could upgrade him with modric,
Primary squad: Serie A
Haven't really done a whole lot of upgrading, my first objective was to primarily invest my coins, save up for OTW cards and further invest and reinvest profits. Perisic did cost me a lot, paid 40k but honestly has been worth every coin. Same goes for Mandzukic's IF, I paid around 44k for that one a few days ago. Pellegrini was cheap (~13k) for a nice special card and the others are all pretty cheap. Skriniar is untradeable but I would highly recommend his regular card as a Serie A CB.

Don't let Kolarov's slow pace and tanky dribbling fool you, this man is one of the most important players on my team. I loved his TOTS and FOF cards last year so I bought his regular card this time around but was't really expecting much of him. He turned out to be very solid in the defense and his relatively low strength (77) hasn't been noticeable at all for me due to his 6'2" height and 85 aggression. One thing you do have to watch out for is his slow agility, particularly when turning. But perhaps most importantly, he definitely does his 91 crossing stat justice. I have his instruction set to stay back while atttacking, but control him manually or trigger an attacking run with an LB+A pass. That way he stays where he needs to be if I don't need him joining the attack, but he'll come along when I want him to. You can definitely bang in a goal with Kolarov too, at least on his left foot, if you include him in an attack and an opportunity arises to shoot. He has 91 shot power and 83 longshots.
He was already a key player in the squad while I still had Belotti as my striker instead but Kolarov and IF Mandzukic together is just filthy. Kolarov delivers the excellent crosses and corners and Mandzukic always seems to pop up at the right time and place for a header. Mandzukic routinely beats almost everyone in the air and his standard 94 attacking positioning would explain why he's always popping up in the right places on time, despite his slow pace.


My 'fitness squad', so I can alternate my squads and restore the fitness levels of my other squad without using fitness cards.
I'm not overly impressed by Fred's card but I bought his OTW because one IF could really take him to another level. Generally the lower rated the card is, the bigger the stat boosts for a special card.
He's well rounded but at the same time doesn't really stand out in anything particular to me. I initially had Gueye at CDM but Ndidi has taken over that spot since I tried him.
Currently investing in upcoming League SBCs. Got the Chinese Super League done already, hoping from a potential Paulinho or Talisca as the SBC reward whenever it releases.
By buying the players at this point, if you have the coins, will save me loads of coins whenever the SBC comes out because I already have all the players.
Silver players that are required in popular league SBC's will always cost extortionate amounts when the SBC is released. There's always gonna be people trying to pricefix them.
It's going on already with some silver players listed for at least 3k but I've been able to scoop up loads of them for around 500-800 because there was 1 or 2 of them listed for that price amongst a dozen others that were pricefixed.

Almost finished doing the same for Serie A too. I checked the rating requirements for the league SBC on Fifa 18 and the highest rating requirement was only 83 or 82 for Juventus. Even Inter only had a rating of 79 requirement. Napoli required an 80 rating I believe. I'm guessing they might be slightly higher this Fifa due to the higher player ratings in the top clubs.
By now I just need to finish Juve but the players are too expensive at this time.

It's en entirely win-win investment. Think of it this way, if you like the reward options when the SBC is released then you'll be completing it at a vastly lower cost because you won't need to buy additional players, except maybe the most high rated clubs. You'll be getting plenty of packs on the way to completion too.
If however you're disappointed by the reward options when the SBC releases, sell the players (especially the silvers) and you'll make a significant profit on your investment either way.
Ended up going 18-11 in the weekend league

At one point I was 17-7 looking to maybe get Elite 3, but I couldn't even get the 20 wins for gold 1 :lol:
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