Female Drivers Opinion(Women of NT come in)

Jun 29, 2008
What do women think about other women drivers??


Female driver compilation @ Yahoo! Video
Women try too hard to focus on EVERYTHING at once so they rarely focus any considerable amount of attention on anything in particular. Straight upspacy with it. And don't let her have a cell phone

That's what scares me about letting my lady push the whip.
I think most other women can't drive at all. I don't know how many accidents I've had to avoid because some broad in a minivan or stationwagon justthrows their car into the fast lane going 10 under. Or just how many women Iv'e seen occupying 2 lanes in a jetta. Depending on the car, if they'redriving badly I assume the driver is either old or a woman.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Women try too hard to focus on EVERYTHING at once so they rarely focus any considerable amount of attention on anything in particular. Straight up spacy with it. And don't let her have a cell phone

That's what scares me about letting my lady push the whip.
whats worse is that when they screw up and u honk your horn so that you dont....you know, die?

and then they FLIP YOU OFF!

What part of the game is that?
Originally Posted by Club29

whats worse is that when they screw up and u honk your horn so that you dont....you know, die?

and then they FLIP YOU OFF!

What part of the game is that?

God forbid she is trying to put on makeup while driving.
Couple days ago I saw a woman palming the steering wheel while texting and holding lipstick in the other.

Women. SMH.
I hate all other drivers. Women, men, old, young. whatever. Chances are, you're pissing me off in some fashion or another
Originally Posted by Nawth21

I hate all other drivers. Women, men, old, young. whatever. Chances are, you're pissing me off in some fashion or another
... so you're that angry !+@ chick I'm always driving past... the one that keeps cutting me off and !@%$? I have a question ladies,how is it that I myself can breakdown a gram, get ALL the seeds out, split a swisher, and roll that mug while IN moving traffic.... but I haven't met achick that can change the radio and drive at the same time? I was on facebook mobile last night making wall posts and all that !@%$ while driving my girl home,but $*$% around and let her phone ring while she's driving... she gotta pull over to answer
. What is that?Driving is sooooooo hard for girls for some reason.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Nawth21

I hate all other drivers. Women, men, old, young. whatever. Chances are, you're pissing me off in some fashion or another
... so you're that angry !+@ chick I'm always driving past... the one that keeps cutting me off and !@%$? I have a question ladies, how is it that I myself can breakdown a gram, get ALL the seeds out, split a swisher, and roll that mug while IN moving traffic.... but I haven't met a chick that can change the radio and drive at the same time? I was on facebook mobile last night making wall posts and all that !@%$ while driving my girl home, but $*$% around and let her phone ring while she's driving... she gotta pull over to answer
. What is that? Driving is sooooooo hard for girls for some reason.
Nah, I don't cut people off or drive like a madwoman, well all the time. I refuse to talk on the phone while driving, I will not do it. Regardless of hands free or not, you're distracted. I'mactually a good driver, one no fault accident (t boned in an intersection, SHE ran the red while talking on her cell
) no tickets, I've been pulled over once for a burnt out license platebulb

Bad drivers are my pet peeve though, especially living in a place like MN where summer is non stop construction and people don't know how to effin drive. It's like they get confused by the cones
Don't get me started oncity drivers. If they're taking a left turn for the love of baby jesus go around them. ugh.
Originally Posted by CarpeDiemKJ

Women drivers are trash. They're only good for two thing. Laying on their backs, cooking.

wow your last statement was so offensive and totally untrue. Dude you need to change your views on women in general
Women drivers are horrible. Til this day I will always believe women can't tell depth and distance very well. What's worse is a woman backseat driver.My girl gets on my nerves when I'm driving.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Nawth21

I hate all other drivers. Women, men, old, young. whatever. Chances are, you're pissing me off in some fashion or another
... so you're that angry !+@ chick I'm always driving past... the one that keeps cutting me off and !@%$? I have a question ladies, how is it that I myself can breakdown a gram, get ALL the seeds out, split a swisher, and roll that mug while IN moving traffic.... but I haven't met a chick that can change the radio and drive at the same time? I was on facebook mobile last night making wall posts and all that !@%$ while driving my girl home, but $*$% around and let her phone ring while she's driving... she gotta pull over to answer
. What is that? Driving is sooooooo hard for girls for some reason.
Nah, I don't cut people off or drive like a mad woman, well all the time. I refuse to talk on the phone while driving, I will not do it. Regardless of hands free or not, you're distracted. I'm actually a good driver, one no fault accident (t boned in an intersection, SHE ran the red while talking on her cell
) no tickets, I've been pulled over once for a burnt out license plate bulb

Bad drivers are my pet peeve though, especially living in a place like MN where summer is non stop construction and people don't know how to effin drive. It's like they get confused by the cones
Don't get me started on city drivers. If they're taking a left turn for the love of baby jesus go around them. ugh.

you think they cant drive in Minnesota!?

Try driving here in South Florida. Its uh...an experience, to say the least.
I was walking in the city this weekend and saw an old female Asian driving a cab and thought to myself "is this what we're coming to?" I waiteduntil she was out of sight to cross. Who is their right mind would get in that cab?

I apologize in advance if I hurt any feelings.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Nawth21

I hate all other drivers. Women, men, old, young. whatever. Chances are, you're pissing me off in some fashion or another
... so you're that angry !+@ chick I'm always driving past... the one that keeps cutting me off and !@%$? I have a question ladies, how is it that I myself can breakdown a gram, get ALL the seeds out, split a swisher, and roll that mug while IN moving traffic.... but I haven't met a chick that can change the radio and drive at the same time? I was on facebook mobile last night making wall posts and all that !@%$ while driving my girl home, but $*$% around and let her phone ring while she's driving... she gotta pull over to answer
. What is that? Driving is sooooooo hard for girls for some reason.
Nah, I don't cut people off or drive like a mad woman, well all the time. I refuse to talk on the phone while driving, I will not do it. Regardless of hands free or not, you're distracted. I'm actually a good driver, one no fault accident (t boned in an intersection, SHE ran the red while talking on her cell
) no tickets, I've been pulled over once for a burnt out license plate bulb

Bad drivers are my pet peeve though, especially living in a place like MN where summer is non stop construction and people don't know how to effin drive. It's like they get confused by the cones
Don't get me started on city drivers. If they're taking a left turn for the love of baby jesus go around them. ugh.

you think they cant drive in Minnesota!?

Try driving here in South Florida. Its uh...an experience, to say the least.
omg I have and it is bad
then one time I was stuck intraffic for 2 HOURS because of A) long term construction and B) an accident. Where were they from? Effin Florida. And it was winter in a snow storm
Driving just makes me an angry person in general though. Speaking of,driver was pissing me off this morning and it was some Asian chick and I immediately thought about the stereotypes against women and minority drivers
oh well. learn how to merge!
Actually I can account to this today... I was on the interstate going to work and there's a part on the interstate where the on ramp makes you merge rightaway, and there was a dump truck in the lane where you have to merge. I was in the far left lane. So the lady getting on the interstate has a clean shot aslong as she accelerates into traffic, but no. She comes creeping in, forcing the dump truck to come into my lane cutting me off. I had to slow down fast so Iwouldn't rear end the guy... I just
@ the lady as I caught up to her and passed her... I'm not mad at the dump truck guy, it's just that hewouldn't have had to come into my lane if she would've merged correctly...

oh man...dont get me going on bad drivers:

1) old people - the worst
2) women - not sure what it is, but some of em are just lost on the road
3) people from maryland - i seriously want to know who is teaching and passing these fools. 95% of people from maryland have no business even sitting in a car,let alone driving one.
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