Feeling lower than low

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm not playing it.  And if I did you wouldn't get a cent.  I hate you.

Negativity like this won't help you either. If you ain't in it, you sure not gonna win it . I mean you say you're having financial problems why not try to invest  $1 - $2 that would win you MILLIONS.

I suggested you play you say you're not,  and you're telling me even fi you did and you won $244 Million dollars you wouldn't give me a cent?
WOw man thats pretty selfish, but thats okay i'll play the Mega Millions tonight, and if I win the jackpot EVERY Niketalk member get as $10,000.00 check  from me EXCEPT for you.


$ 244,000,000 divided by $10,000 =  24,400

24,400 - 1 =  24,399 members that you will write checks to.

What about yourself?
just copped my tickets
i feel you bro. we all go thru this !%%@.
Think of it like this,
This is the best thing to happen to you in your life, cause when you do get back to the top, the Fruit at the top will taste better than anyone would ever know.
I just ran out of trees. Feeling real bad right now. Any Nter's from the bay got connects PM me. Im dying over here  
You are definitely not feeling lower than the people in Japan right now trust me you got it way better than the people who are living in Japan or the people who have lost Family members that live in Japan. These people lost Eveything their families their homes and even their food got effected with radiation which could cause them to develop cancer if they eat the food that has been effected by the radiation. In fact it's estimated that OVER 18,000 people living in Japan Died as a result of the recent earthquake and Tsunami. Be grateful you have a roof over your head and a Tsunami or Earthquake didnt wipe out everything you got including your entire home...
Sometimes things are just explainable...I've felt lower than low when I had "everything" society deems as successful (great job, money, great woman) and I've felt amazing with nothing at all. 

When you hit a low/dark place...all of that "well you have it better than....." means absolutely nothing because you just don't care and your frame of mind can't even rationalize that.

I literally couldn't sleep for a straight year....didn't touch a basketball, music didn't sound the same, wasn't anything to look forward to. 

God works in mysterious ways....

Just try not to analyze things too much and overthink it....embrace it as a transitional phase and when all your "friends" leave your side, money goes, etc....all you got is YOU.  Find where your faith is and what you put it in.
My advice in your time of hardships TGB...smile even though these are your hard times...if you look at the bigger picture you will possibly never get these moments back so just go with the flow of life. What I have learned through my years that is important when facing financial hardships is the idea of detachment like the Buddha preaches. Separate yourself from the idea of money, and break it down to what it really is...a physical piece of paper. Once you understand that this object is just that...an object this will rid you of some anguish, guaranteed.

Keep a notepad by your bed and just list objectives for the day...no matter how trivial they are...whether its reading a chapter in a book or calling your mom or whatever...this practice helps promote positive behavior because atleast your getting things done. When you realize this then you can transition over to the more "gradual" longer processes in life like long-term goals.

I know the feeling your in...your boxed in...all alone...but realize that all you need is yourself...whatever else you have (a g/f, parents, siblings, friends) will only enhance your life. Don't dismiss them just take whatever they give you.

"Learn and forget"
Let me preface this by saying that this will indeed be a long message, but OP, and anyone else who mayfeel as if they are in a bad situation, I suggest you to read this in its entirety.

Look here bro.  It's all relative.  If you and I were in a car accident, and the vehicle caught on fire, and your arm catches on fire, but my whole body is on fire.  Yes, I'm worst off than you, but the pain you feel is real and may be the worst pain that you've ever felt.  

So with that said, some people may have it worse than you, but that doesn't make your pain any less real.  However, using our same metaphor, with only your arm being on fire, you have the ability to help rescue both of us from that fire.

The moral of the story is that despite whatever pain you may be experiencing, you have to use what you have to better your situation.

You haven't given much detail to what it is that's bothering you, but I do know that you push basketball heavy.  So I could assume that the sport is a passion for you.  Nevertheless, you can't let your passion be your destruction.  If your quality of life is deteriorating because of you chasing a dream, it may be time to focus on something else.

But like I said, that's just a hypothesis from what I know from you from NT.  

I see you are having money problems, and I don't think what Classy Freshman asked was wrong or condescending.  Why are you having money problems?

You went to college to play basketball on scholarship, and I'm hoping that while you were there you did earn some type of degree.  So with that said, you are an able bodied young man with academic achievements.  You should be able to make enough money to make ends meet.

Now you can assume that I'm one of the many privileged kids on here talking out of my $%+ but let me tell you a little about me.

I graduated high school in 2002, started college in the Fall of 02.  On the 1st day of my second semester of college, I passed out in the dorm showers.  The doctors didn't know what caused it, but I was paralyzed from my chest down, and 6 levels of my spinal cord had swollen up.  The doctors diagnosed me with something called Transverse Myelitis and told me that it was time to make a plan B because I'd never walk again.  

At that time I was a 19 year old premed student who was in the process of walking on to the football team.  Yet, in a matter of 20 minutes everything that I thought I knew about life no longer existed.  

I got my butt in therapy and for 2 years straight, 5 days a week I did physical and occupational therapy.  And I eventually regained some of my mobility.  

I ended up going to a community college to get my associates because it was closer to the rehab and I still wasn't able to independently live by myself.  

At that time you'd never imagine, and I can't expect you to, how low I had gotten.  I was in the prime of my life, had money in my pocket, my own place to live, and a pretty nice looking girlfriend who lived me.

And in 20 minutes I lost all of that.  Well my girl stayed for 6 months after the injury and ended up bouncing.  I'm not mad at her anymore, I mean I became an invalid, couldn't even function properly as a man. 

I'd dream that we sexin, I'm walking it's a blessing, wake up paralyzed and again I'd start stressin, my mother crying because any day I could die, but that was 8 years ago and Knowledge is still alive.   

Shall I continue.  I ended up getting my associates degree, and was able to transfer back to the University of Louisville.  Earned my Bachelors Degree May of 2010.  Now all of this didn't happen concurrently.  I had to drop out a few times for health reasons, one of them being a tumor on my spinal cord in 06.  Also ended up having to conquer a horrible addiction to pain medication that was prescribed to me.  But I never gave up. 

The plan was to enroll in law school this Fall, but then I found out my mother was having some health issues and had gotten fired from her job.  So what I did was move back home because after her taking care of me for all those years, it was time to take care of her.

I got me a job as a government contractor working on the local military installation, and I probably have one of the hardest jobs in the world.  I work in notifications.  When a soldier in the Army is injured stateside or in theater (WAR) I get the reports from Kuwait and it's my responsibility to process the paperwork and notify the next of kin about the details of the injury or illness.  And when a soldier gets killed I don't personally contact the next of kin, but it is my job to orchestrate the personal visitation to the family.  I have to write the scripts, and everything.  It's very chaotic and stressful, and I'm not paid as much as I should.  All while I still have health issues associated with having a spinal cord injury, chronic pain being the biggest issue.

Most days I wake up dreading getting out of bed.  I've lost my state insurance even though I'm still qualified as being disabled.  In fact, going back to work has made my life tougher than when I was on disability.

However, it's about what I want for myself.  This isn't the last chapter of my life, and I know this is a good $%+ book that I'm reading.  No way in hell will I give up before I reach my climax.  And the reason why I know this is because I've decided a long time ago that I'm the co-author of my personal book of life.  There's some other variables that I can't control that will influence the book, but at the end of the day, it's up to me to pencil in where I'm going to go.

I won't even lie to you, almost every day I feel like quitting.  Asking myself is it even worth it?  Why put in all this work when the tumors can come back.  Asking myself why in the hell am I working such a crazy job.  Asking myself, what's the point of going to law school when you know tomorrow you can lose the ability to walk again.

And there are different answers for different days.

The answer today was, I'm getting out of bed because I've come this far, and the only way my situation will continue to change for the better is if I'm proactive in my life.

The answer yesterday was, this car note / mortgage isn't going to pay for itself.

This message is longer than I hoped it would be.  But I do hope that you an gain some insight.  You don't have to overcome paralysis to learn from what I've been through.  No, you don't have to walk in my shoes to learn that life isn't fair, and the quicker you understand that, the quicker you can develop the mindset of whatever obstacles put in front of me are navigational.

You've got your health, you've got a degree, and from reading your post throughout the years, you've still got your mind.  Don't get too hard on yourself for feeling down.  Men often have an issue with expressing their feelings, and the negative feelings not getting out often metastasizes in many different ways.  So express yourself.  Try to get to the root of the problem.  But at the same time, don't you dare feel sorry for yourself. 

The world doesn't owe you %*#$.   

Lastly, there are two types of people in life.  Those who feel like their problems are the result of outside forces.  These people often refuse to accept responsibility for how their personal actions may have altered their situation or the worst.

And you have another type, a person who accept accountability to a fault.  They will blame things on themselves that have nothing to do with them.  However, this type of person is the one who will ask, How can I fix this problem?  Evaluate where you fit in and make the necessary adjustments.  

Your life is what happens when you're making other plans, so love your hard times because they make you a man.  Things may happen that you don't understand, but the one who endures, is the one who wins. 

You can keep fighting, or you can give up.  And if you do give up, nobody will be mad at you.  Some people just lack a certain amount of fortitude and don't have the ability to deal with the harsh realities of life.  But I'm betting that there is a person inside of you fighting to get out, and that's why you are asking for help / advice.

There are a few people on here that know me, but if you want to see news paper articles, pictures, all that jazz to give my story more validity, just let me know.

Originally Posted by Mo Greene

i've taken on drinking for the very same reasons
haha it's funny I quit the green and picked up drankin fine liquor to cope with stress... bad habits though, cuttin down on that and working on progressing, taking it a day at a time and most importantly as has been mentioned already trying my best to stay positive
Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

just know that someone out there has it worse

this. and don't take this the wrong way man, but u can't just be sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. in times when things are going bad, if u don't take the time to give thanks for what u do have then it's like taking what u have for granted. and other peoples' "joy" isn't always what it seems, my friend. oh yeah, and it's never as good or as bad as it seems. remember those things & u'll be fine.
I suggest you listen to I AM KNOWLEDGE's advice. Dude really helped me out when I was struggling with addiction, anxiety, depression, the works.

Real life.

What up

P.S. SAD stands for Seasonal AFFECTIVE Disorder. Not Defective
Knowledge I appreciate you taking time out to speak from your heart like that.  We all have our battles and I really do try to take responsibility for my actions.  I thank everybody who has taken time to post in here.  I know I haven't gone into great detail about my situation but I just don't feel comfortable doing that on here.  All I can say is it's bigger than basketball. 

p.s. I didn't have a scholarship....I got student loans just like the next man and my school wasn't cheap.
yo stay up man, all bad things happen at once. fight through it and youll be back up
Have positive thoughts, no matter how bad things get always smile and realise there are people worse off and in a darker place than you.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Let me preface this by saying that this will indeed be a long message, but OP, and anyone else who mayfeel as if they are in a bad situation, I suggest you to read this in its entirety.

Look here bro.  It's all relative.  If you and I were in a car accident, and the vehicle caught on fire, and your arm catches on fire, but my whole body is on fire.  Yes, I'm worst off than you, but the pain you feel is real and may be the worst pain that you've ever felt.  

So with that said, some people may have it worse than you, but that doesn't make your pain any less real.  However, using our same metaphor, with only your arm being on fire, you have the ability to help rescue both of us from that fire.

The moral of the story is that despite whatever pain you may be experiencing, you have to use what you have to better your situation.

You haven't given much detail to what it is that's bothering you, but I do know that you push basketball heavy.  So I could assume that the sport is a passion for you.  Nevertheless, you can't let your passion be your destruction.  If your quality of life is deteriorating because of you chasing a dream, it may be time to focus on something else.

But like I said, that's just a hypothesis from what I know from you from NT.  

I see you are having money problems, and I don't think what Classy Freshman asked was wrong or condescending.  Why are you having money problems?

You went to college to play basketball on scholarship, and I'm hoping that while you were there you did earn some type of degree.  So with that said, you are an able bodied young man with academic achievements.  You should be able to make enough money to make ends meet.

Now you can assume that I'm one of the many privileged kids on here talking out of my $%+ but let me tell you a little about me.

I graduated high school in 2002, started college in the Fall of 02.  On the 1st day of my second semester of college, I passed out in the dorm showers.  The doctors didn't know what caused it, but I was paralyzed from my chest down, and 6 levels of my spinal cord had swollen up.  The doctors diagnosed me with something called Transverse Myelitis and told me that it was time to make a plan B because I'd never walk again.  

At that time I was a 19 year old premed student who was in the process of walking on to the football team.  Yet, in a matter of 20 minutes everything that I thought I knew about life no longer existed.  

I got my butt in therapy and for 2 years straight, 5 days a week I did physical and occupational therapy.  And I eventually regained some of my mobility.  

I ended up going to a community college to get my associates because it was closer to the rehab and I still wasn't able to independently live by myself.  

At that time you'd never imagine, and I can't expect you to, how low I had gotten.  I was in the prime of my life, had money in my pocket, my own place to live, and a pretty nice looking girlfriend who lived me.

And in 20 minutes I lost all of that.  Well my girl stayed for 6 months after the injury and ended up bouncing.  I'm not mad at her anymore, I mean I became an invalid, couldn't even function properly as a man. 

I'd dream that we sexin, I'm walking it's a blessing, wake up paralyzed and again I'd start stressin, my mother crying because any day I could die, but that was 8 years ago and Knowledge is still alive.   

Shall I continue.  I ended up getting my associates degree, and was able to transfer back to the University of Louisville.  Earned my Bachelors Degree May of 2010.  Now all of this didn't happen concurrently.  I had to drop out a few times for health reasons, one of them being a tumor on my spinal cord in 06.  Also ended up having to conquer a horrible addiction to pain medication that was prescribed to me.  But I never gave up. 

The plan was to enroll in law school this Fall, but then I found out my mother was having some health issues and had gotten fired from her job.  So what I did was move back home because after her taking care of me for all those years, it was time to take care of her.

I got me a job as a government contractor working on the local military installation, and I probably have one of the hardest jobs in the world.  I work in notifications.  When a soldier in the Army is injured stateside or in theater (WAR) I get the reports from Kuwait and it's my responsibility to process the paperwork and notify the next of kin about the details of the injury or illness.  And when a soldier gets killed I don't personally contact the next of kin, but it is my job to orchestrate the personal visitation to the family.  I have to write the scripts, and everything.  It's very chaotic and stressful, and I'm not paid as much as I should.  All while I still have health issues associated with having a spinal cord injury, chronic pain being the biggest issue.

Most days I wake up dreading getting out of bed.  I've lost my state insurance even though I'm still qualified as being disabled.  In fact, going back to work has made my life tougher than when I was on disability.

However, it's about what I want for myself.  This isn't the last chapter of my life, and I know this is a good $%+ book that I'm reading.  No way in hell will I give up before I reach my climax.  And the reason why I know this is because I've decided a long time ago that I'm the co-author of my personal book of life.  There's some other variables that I can't control that will influence the book, but at the end of the day, it's up to me to pencil in where I'm going to go.

I won't even lie to you, almost every day I feel like quitting.  Asking myself is it even worth it?  Why put in all this work when the tumors can come back.  Asking myself why in the hell am I working such a crazy job.  Asking myself, what's the point of going to law school when you know tomorrow you can lose the ability to walk again.

And there are different answers for different days.

The answer today was, I'm getting out of bed because I've come this far, and the only way my situation will continue to change for the better is if I'm proactive in my life.

The answer yesterday was, this car note / mortgage isn't going to pay for itself.

This message is longer than I hoped it would be.  But I do hope that you an gain some insight.  You don't have to overcome paralysis to learn from what I've been through.  No, you don't have to walk in my shoes to learn that life isn't fair, and the quicker you understand that, the quicker you can develop the mindset of whatever obstacles put in front of me are navigational.

You've got your health, you've got a degree, and from reading your post throughout the years, you've still got your mind.  Don't get too hard on yourself for feeling down.  Men often have an issue with expressing their feelings, and the negative feelings not getting out often metastasizes in many different ways.  So express yourself.  Try to get to the root of the problem.  But at the same time, don't you dare feel sorry for yourself. 

The world doesn't owe you %*#$.   

Lastly, there are two types of people in life.  Those who feel like their problems are the result of outside forces.  These people often refuse to accept responsibility for how their personal actions may have altered their situation or the worst.

And you have another type, a person who accept accountability to a fault.  They will blame things on themselves that have nothing to do with them.  However, this type of person is the one who will ask, How can I fix this problem?  Evaluate where you fit in and make the necessary adjustments.  

Your life is what happens when you're making other plans, so love your hard times because they make you a man.  Things may happen that you don't understand, but the one who endures, is the one who wins. 

You can keep fighting, or you can give up.  And if you do give up, nobody will be mad at you.  Some people just lack a certain amount of fortitude and don't have the ability to deal with the harsh realities of life.  But I'm betting that there is a person inside of you fighting to get out, and that's why you are asking for help / advice.

There are a few people on here that know me, but if you want to see news paper articles, pictures, all that jazz to give my story more validity, just let me know.

This should make every NT'er keep their head up in hard times.  This really belongs in the motivational thread.
yo knowledge, are you walking now/regained mobility?

and truth, bro, i know it sounds goofy, but depression or "low places" are ALL in your head

you actually have power over how things affect you...

although not as serious as yall, i got scammed on a car and the day i was going to sell it, someone hit it and ran

the best thing the car had going for it besides a strong engine, was its appearance, which is shot now

i didn't let my dissapointment stay with me tho, i refuse to let that car stress me out anymore

i stressed all summer over it, and now, its like, yo, whatever

and i feel better.

that was the first time in my life i didn't allow circumstances, good or bad, to impact how i feel...

after a really really bad breakup, which was recorded on NT, i was feeling awful...

once i got over it, i realized, EYE was making MYSELF miserable...not the circumstance...the circumstance is just that, an occurance....

now, no woman will have that sort of emotional hold over me, nor will i let any other person's actions affect me so deeply....

you just gotta let !$$@ roll off you fam....i know it sounds cliche and unfathomable....but try it, bro

(and im not saying i have this mastered...!$$@ still gets under my skin...hell, if you follow me on twitter, this past week is proof enough of that.....but try it...it works)
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