Federal Housing Administration greenlights 40-year mortgages.

Why are we always so quick to place the burden on the public when they've been led astray for so long? If you want to blame people for being taken advantage of, then at least 50% of the blame goes to the people pulling the wool over their eyes.

The average cost of a new car is 50K. The median rent is over 2K a month. That is greed plain and simple. Everybody is not dumb and looking to give their money away.

The cost of EVERYTHING has gone up since covid started- except wages. This is greed and corruption in broad daylight. The property tax on my house DOUBLED for 2021. Why? Because they said so. I didn't do anything to the house, but somehow it's worth more, so I have to pay more tax. Come one man.
Yeah, I see people trying to get $250 - 300K for a single wide trailer. This is nearly 100 miles outside of a major city, so it ain't about location.

Straight up greed. Something's got to give eventually.
My country *** call shenanigans! Ain’t no such thing as no 300k single wide.

Not $250K, but still silly. Be close to 200K after taxes.

Swear there was one on there for $250K a while back.
Financial literacy should be thrown in there, too. Not only are there people who don’t know up from down, its people who don’t know advantageous it would be to learn the difference.
I agree with this 200%. I also think that with greater financial education you are better equipped to make financial decisions that make sense for your own financial situation. Some of the "advice" you get might not be relevant for your own situation. For example, my wife is in education and makes good money for an educator but even the most financial information that you can get won't save you from how expensive things are. Every teacher that I know is priced out of owning their own home in Colorado sometimes even with three incomes and that's with having two jobs (teaching then side hustle like Uber and Lyft) and a spouse. The average house in Colorado costs $530k. This is a 50% increase in five years. How is that affordable for anyone?
So If you start paying notes when you're 30, you'll be done when you're 70? No thanks.

If I were single I'd just buy a tiny home. Get that paid off in a few short years and tell these banks to shove it.

property taxes and regulations really don’t let you say shove it the way one imagines unfortunately
This is all going back to serfdom . ...

Digital serfs.


There is not much time left before the world wakes up to the plans that lie ahead.
Everyone is gonna have to move to some trailer park in the middle of Kansas the way things are going.

People keep saying something's got to give, but I'm not sure when mega corps can buy the homes up and use them for rentals. REITs are also a big thing in investing now.

Hopefully we'll see some change for the better.
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