FAT Shaming

Like many things in life I’m in the middle of the conversation. I won’t fat shame but I can’t tolerate this fat acceptance wave we seem to be on
^ i don't understand the message she is trying to convey

i couldn't care less if yall wanna be obese and proud.
i would hope everyone is happy with themselves but obesity should always be recognized as a health problem

Think she was catching some flack for this picture
She not really fat to be the vessel for that message, but I can imagine the weirdos that attacked her to get her there.
People need to be concerned about their health and the health problems and cost that come with being over weight

**** what anyone else thinks 🤷‍♂️
Shaming works.

Dude broke up with her and she got her physical life together.

Good for her.

Thanks to him.

William Eyelids.
Imagine, someone had to break up with her over her weight in order for her to mentally realize that she is in an unhealthy state to get her self together. And she did it for spite to show off to him. Hombre dodged a bullet.
and surgery can be temporary, you need to make a total lifestyle change, and it starts with your mentality.

If you get comfortable and were lazy and ate poorly before you'll be right back where you started.

I've known a few people who had surgery and it seemed like it was temporary and they peaked and then started going back.

Your whole mentality needs to change. A lot of people don't have the dedication for working out an hour, three, four, five times a week.
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