Fastest way to make $1000????

Nov 6, 2004
whats a good, fast, and LEGAL, way to make $1000?? i gotta job but it pays diddily-squat. i basically live off that money.

NT. give me some suggestions.
follow these steps:

1) buy a pack of hot dogs, ramen noodles, cereal.
2) get a job at a restaurant.
3) only eat from number one.
4) put money in bank daily
5) stare at the bank statement in amazement.

yes, i lived by this format (pretty much) to save the EXACT same amount.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

follow these steps:

1) buy a pack of hot dogs, ramen noodles, cereal.
2) get a job at a restaurant.
3) only eat from number one.
4) put money in bank daily
5) stare at the bank statement in amazement.

yes, i lived by this format (pretty much) to save the EXACT same amount.
no milk?
ebay, pawnshops, reselling (items other than shoes), & any other smart investments you come across
you have to spend money to make money (in most cases)

EDIT: the nigeria scam was great..almost fooled me once
take about $500 and put it down in a online sportsbook on your favorite college or pro football team and hope to God you win. then you get your grand in oneday.
Originally Posted by mtg

take $1,000 go to a casino and bet it on a hand of blackjack

Just like that movie 21.

I don't know for me I invested $1k by reselling kicks. Buy the kicks that will sell fast!
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