Family Tree. How many generations can you trace your family back to?

Jun 19, 2002
We started working on a family tree last week by talking to some relatives and my family was able to trace my pops side of the family back 6 generations and mymoms side 5.

has anyone put together a family tree? if so what programs did you use (if any) and what methods did you use to get information?


After him, it's all a blur.
all the way back to Africa and the late 1700s on my mom's side. I had quite a few grandmothers and great great grandmothers who lived to be nearly 100 so Iguess that's how
- i made this thread back in feb. on thesame subject.

- in short i can probably go back further than my 4th great parents for sure, maybe more, i havent accessed my ancestry account in 6 months. i would post morebut everything is in the thread i posted.....
only up to my great grandfather. but my ggf had 14 kids. 7 of em chinese and the other 7 french/chinese. we lost contact with the french side of the familybecause all of em were females and lost the family name when they got married so its like w.e


my dad has gotten pretty far on his mothers side...almost to the slave owner...

i'm proud of him cuz i know his family isn't close so hopefully we'll be able to pass it down from now on so future generations can keep itgoing...

we go looking in cemetaries looking for fam...its pretty fun...
thats what im gonna be doin soon. we are searching city libraries first and then going to the cemetaries to gt further info on dates
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