Family secrets

talk about getting ur world turned upside down


if true - seek counseling op it will help with the pain and confusion, im sure
i see why people are not taking you seriously though. I dont see what you want from us regarding this situation.
Oddly enough, this happened a couple years back- but to my grandma
She found out that her mom was actually her grandma and her sister was actually her mom. It was so messed up too- they wait until her mom is dead and shes in her 70s to tell her
Yeah some things are better left archived in a closet.
i see why people are not taking you seriously though. I dont see what you want from us regarding this situation.
I asked if anybody else had experienced a situation like this.  Some posters decided to stay on topic and share.....some didn't
i see why people are not taking you seriously though.
As do I.

Normally, I'd be against the trolling in here but if you knew OP's history...*shrugs*

I'm not cool with dudes saying disrespectful **** though. I just see why people might not buy this.
Sorry to hear that, well how do you feel now. As long as she was there then I would feel fine, except for the part of them not telling me. 
what was so bad about that thread?

I told dude he embarrased himself and his father

I told dude he shoudve kept his job because his family needs the money considering his dad is/was a porter

I told dude that 75k in NYC isn't very much

The poll results were in my favor and other people also told him he was wrong.   You are reaching to find this "karma" that doesnt exist

-you told man that he should be smacked by his pops

-you bellittled the mans father by making fun of his job

-you explicitly told him that he was poor

-between all that you sprinkled in a lot of rolling gifs, lol's etc

the poll result had nothing to do with you.
Explicitly? Bellittled? Smacked?

There are words of opinion.  I gave you the facts.   Get your emotions out of this young man.
I told dude he embarrased himself and his father

I told dude he shoudve kept his job because his family needs the money considering his dad is/was a porter

I told dude that 75k in NYC isn't very much
I don't know what thread this is referring to... but these too are words of opinions not facts.
Is thread is kinda sad.

Did LA-CA get banned? :lol:

Anyway, op you shouldn't feel that bad about it, your biological mother, and aunt seemed to have had an equal part in raising you, just under different names. I wouldn't let it get to me, your aunt just took care of the economical parts of your life. It could have went the other way with your mom raising you with no money and you came up with nothing.
Anyone remember that episode of Saved By The Bell where the class was assigned a project where they had to research their family trees? Well, Zack found out he's part Native American, Slater found out his great-grandfather was a bullfighter, and Jesse shows her white guilt by apologizing to Lisa for her slave-trading ancestor's history of trading Lisa's ancestors? This story is almost exactly like that only not at all.
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