Fame is an empty shell.

Originally Posted by scshift

Some people actually like being the center of attention and having the feeling that everyone notices/looks up to them though.

Being famous doesn't automatically drive you to have destructive tendencies... that's more on the person himself.

Some people appear to be very social and welcoming of the popularity but it still hurts them. Chris Farley was an example of this. In part what drove him to depression and drugs was the fame. He hated being the fat guy on SNL rather than being known for actual comedy; yet he made that sacrifice for fame. And it arguably drove him to depression and eventually a fatal overdose.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

With another celebrity passing recently this has been on my mind. Seeing famous people often adopt these self destructive tendencies only to die early. It's sad knowing how many people had emotions tied to these people and the manner in which they passed away.

I think often people chase celebrity status and fame only to find that having thousands of people adore you all over the world can't help you when you're suffering and you need real help. Such disillusionment could drive people to drugs and the bottle very easily. Thoughts?

I agree. You could have all the money in the world but you could be gone in an instant because of an addiction or reckless behavior.You only live once.
I want to start a family like the Rothschilds
Originally Posted by mrkane

Would rather have the money than fame any day.
Fame is man's worst drug
so is money bruh
anything scan be "a man's worst drug" if its abused

there are some good celebrities, but you dont hear about them. you only hear about the bad ones
I meet poor, fameless people with destructive habits daily---Like schift says fame just amplifies who you already are
No one is talking in absolutes here...I'm not talking about simple causality. Obviously everyone is different. But fame as a goal is different than fame as a byproduct of accomplishment. And fame as a goal can lead to self destruction; because often it's not very "fruitful" after all the sacrifice.
I would HATE being famous. I can't imagine never knowing if all those "friends", family, and women in my life care about me or my money/fame. I'm a very cautious person when it comes to accepting people, and I'm already paranoid about certain people's intentions to get to know me, so I'd be a complete loner if I ever got forced into the spotlight
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

With another celebrity passing recently this has been on my mind. Seeing famous people often adopt these self destructive tendencies only to die early. It's sad knowing how many people had emotions tied to these people and the manner in which they passed away.

I think often people chase celebrity status and fame only to find that having thousands of people adore you all over the world can't help you when you're suffering and you need real help. Such disillusionment could drive people to drugs and the bottle very easily. Thoughts?
*$#+*@ out here not living in reality
I think it's the people that you surround yourself with... if you have people that aren't relying on you to eat, have been around you before the fame/riches and are levelheaded I think you will be ok... it's just hard to find people that qualify for all those requirements...
Originally Posted by 0cks

I think it's the people that you surround yourself with... if you have people that aren't relying on you to eat, have been around you before the fame/riches and are levelheaded I think you will be ok... it's just hard to find people that qualify for all those requirements...

Tell me about it
I don't think anyone genuinely wants to be famous. They want to pursue their passion or dreams and escape the monotony and hum drum of their everyday life - fame is just a byproduct.

But it's a grim one that will leave you alone, destitute and wondering who your true friends are, and if your family really loves you like they say they do or if they're just using until you're all dried up. Drugs just help to alleviate the pain, paranoia, confusion, and shame.

Hard drugs, unfortunately, are in themselves addictive and have no discrimination towards the rich or poor, famous or undiscovered.
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