fake check cherry 13s

Y'all ain't **** yo. This website is pointless asf
Have you considered YOU may be the issue here? You come on here and post a question about your beat kicks in every damn thread on the site. Then you bump your thread every 10 mins... Bro take a second and take some decent pix of the damn shoes and you may get your answer.. I actually made a call lastnight for you, but after that comment it would be pointless asf to give you an answer..Why dont you go get your LC over on SC with all the other little school girls...PATIENCE is a virtue.
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Yo are they legit or what I ain't ask for no moral lesson. If y'all know kicks so well it it shouldn't take no time. It ain't sht to take more pics either yo. Nobody asked. "Made a call" lol sure iight
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