Facial Hair.

I want facial hair
im 19 and still have yet to grow full sideburns but my chin n neck hairs grow faster than a bamboo stalk...

Took me till I was about 24-25 to be able to grow enough facial hair to have the wrap around chin strap style

I have the Dwyane Wade shape without the moustache joining it like Reggie Bush has

I usually trim it once a week to a long grade 1 on clippers

My wifey hate it held against her cheeks but I found out while we was play fightin it tickles her other cheeks she likes that lol

I always have a shadow. I never shave all the way down (no razor) - just use clippers with a slightly longer setting than I use on my line up. When I don'twork (weekends and holidays), I grow it out indefinitely. I got my 206 on when I had two months without work over the summer. I liked it a lot. I think cleanshaven is just not the look for me. I like looking a bit scruffy. I think it sometimes looks too "pretty" when people are clean shaven - I prefer agrimier look.
im growing out a full beard i jus think its so funny when dudes grow their beards out and i b mad patchey and nappy ............lol
they usually prefer short stubble in my case....but thats one of the reasons i have a beard, i dont like doin what they suggest
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

it depends on your face and overall appearance.


Neck beards FTL though. I always keep my neck clean. Thats the main difference for most people between a swaggerific beard, and looking homeless.
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