EXACTLY what were you doing yesterday/last night?

Oct 23, 2005
I hate to flood the board with election only threads when it could probably be consolidated but I am just curious as to where everyone was when the polls werecoming in, how they were celebrating, etc.

I had class early in the morning which I opted to not skip out on since I missed a lot of school for my knee surgery and figured by voting later in the day Iwould not have to wait in line as long. Ran some errands, ate lunch, picked my roommate up and headed from Baltimore to PG County.

Voted at Duval high school. There was only one visible McCain supporter (who wasn't allowed to vote because she showed up to the wrong poll place like amoron and tried to argue her way onto a computer) and I was only in line for about 15 minutes. The poll workers said earlier that morning, it had been a threehour wait. The most striking thing about the crowd of people here was the age difference between now and the 2004 election. Whereas in 2004 I was easily theyoungest in the polling place, the room was split like 60/40 between young adults and old people. That is when I think it sunk in for me that things REALLYwere different. Like REALLY really. Took pleasure in kicking over a McCain yard sign on my way to my car.

After that I played phone tag with a sea of people for an hour or two trying to find a ticket to see Bad Brains. Got ahold of one from some random guy Ididn't know and showed up to 9:30 club 10 minutes before they played. Bad Brains played the same set I have seen them play before. All the good stuff offRock For Light and I Against I, some songs from the new album and Soulcraft and some others. They played terribly sloppy and HR kept singing the wrong songsand wrong verses at the wrong times. The crowd was a bunch of pop music nerds. Hardcore kids went wild anyways.

Walked straight form 9:30 to Ben's Chili Bowl because we were hungry and figured it was appropriate. People were already wandering the streets cheering andscreaming. After we got out food, the polls really started rolling in. CNN was being shown on a projection screen. This is about when Pennsylvania and Ohio andothers started coming in. I started getting texts from my friends that worked on the campaign "Hail to the chief" and "He did it. He actuallypulled it off." About five minutes later they called it and everyone went ape #%@*. I dropped my veggie chili veggie burger and stood up and threw myhands up and screamed.

We wandered around U Street for awhile, people were literally dancing in the middle of the street. We considered going to a few places but they were madcrowded.. bus boys and poets and tavern and stuff and I don't really like yuppie #%@* like that. But it was the first time in 8 years I have seen people inthe city happy. Walking down the streets smiling and laughing. I saw strangers running up and hugging each other. I saw strangers literally start dancing witheach other on the corners. Everyone was chanting. It was so surreal.

I headed back home to Baltimore and heard he had Virginia on the radio. Myself and my roommate's girlfriend started hugging each other and I almost crashedmy car. Got home, grabbed my board and skated to the Ottobar because some of my friends were there and they were supposedly having an election party. WatchedObama's speech on the projection screen with a cheering crowd and honestly cried. Did a lot of thinking about how hard and dismissive I am of people. Ilost so much faith in Americans after the 2004 election and it convinced me that humans, especially in our country as a whole are bad people. This was thefirst night I thought well MAYBE not everyone is so bad. Did a lot of thinking. Called my Mother and told her I loved her, and I can't believe I was aliveto witness this, and in DC of all places. She gets upset when I am cynical and hateful of people/society/humanity/whatever and told her about what I justtyped. It made her happy. I talked to her for a bit longer, told her I loved her again and went back in the bar. Danced and got handed free cokes and shirleytemples until the end of the night. A bunch of girls came over and we screamed and celebrated and stuff more.

The only thing I will miss, is kicking the side mirrors off cars with McCain stickers on them. But Im sure in four years there will still be someone equally asdouchey. Here are some boobs I grabbed in Obama celebration.

I am legitimately interested to read what everyone did and where everyone was when everything was going down. Post pictures and stories.
Was half awake, and half asleep so it didn't hit me he had one until a girlfriend called and asked how I felt about it. I'm excited to see what he cando.
Watched the Bad Brains suck REAL BAD, had a couple drinks at the Black Cat, drove past the huge crowd on U and 14th and almost hit some moron waving an Obamasign in the middle of Rt.1 on the way home. Obama pretended to be an all-inclusive moderate to get elected; if he can keep up the charade throughout his termand actually transcend politics as usual like he claims he will do then no worries.
I didn't sleep.

Threw on my holy grails I picked up Saturday in Silver Spring -- white pearl/navy flightposite Is from 1999 -- and a hoodie, and stood in the rain @ 5am sharp.

No phone.

No ipod.

Just stood in line. Focused like I was going into game 7 of the NBA Finals.

6 am came, line moving. I was maybe 30th in line. Done at 6:15, and took my *** to work.

At 11 pm sharp, I just got emotional. Picked my "mini-me" up from her crib, and kissed her.

"MyTSharp" called me.

Next, I did the only thing I knew how to do to express myself and exhale my emotions -- made a 15 track CD with each song strategically expressing my feelingsat that very moment, track for track. Been my soundtrack since its creation.

I have YET to actually fall asleep.

And currently, I'm not tired.
Bamma still aint reply to my phone call though..

Originally Posted by The Badgeman

Watched the Bad Brains suck REAL BAD, had a couple drinks at the Black Cat, drove past the huge crowd on U and 14th and almost hit some moron waving an Obama sign in the middle of Rt.1 on the way home. Obama pretended to be an all-inclusive moderate to get elected; if he can keep up the charade throughout his term and actually transcend politics as usual like he claims he will do then no worries.

When they started playing Sailin On I jumped up and started running across everyone and was sooo confused because when I was yelling "You dont want meanymore, so Ill just walk right out that door" HR was singing "Dont care what they may say..." It took me a second to realize he was singing thewrong #*%%@%@ song. Then it happened later. And then again later. And then during Reignition I think it was, and possibly I Against I, he just started makingup lyrics. But at least he was making funny faces the entire time and looked really cool.
Originally Posted by Kenny from MD

Originally Posted by The Badgeman

Watched the Bad Brains suck REAL BAD, had a couple drinks at the Black Cat, drove past the huge crowd on U and 14th and almost hit some moron waving an Obama sign in the middle of Rt.1 on the way home. Obama pretended to be an all-inclusive moderate to get elected; if he can keep up the charade throughout his term and actually transcend politics as usual like he claims he will do then no worries.

When they started playing Sailin On I jumped up and started running across everyone and was sooo confused because when I was yelling "You dont want me anymore, so Ill just walk right out that door" HR was singing "Dont care what they may say..." It took me a second to realize he was singing the wrong #*%%@%@ song. Then it happened later. And then again later. And then during Reignition I think it was, and possibly I Against I, he just started making up lyrics. But at least he was making funny faces the entire time and looked really cool.
I was yelling too but it was directed at the band for their poor performance and included language not acceptable on this board
lets see.....went to work, came home my ex was over. had secks, went to the gym, came home had secks some more, took her back to alexandria, got back home atlike 10:45, turned on the news to watch obama win, 15 min later i hear cars burnin out outside, doing donuts everywhere, blastin music, shootin guns in theair, drinkin, smokin, runnin around screamin obama, lol

hung out for a lil bit with the homies, then went to bed at like 1
Went to work and quietly observed people discussing the outcome.. on the low...
See, for those of us in the Federal gov't.... the HATCH ACT keeps politics to a minimum... so you saw eye contact with a "wink".... on tha lowTiger fist pumps.... and alot of blank faces.....

But Tuesday nite:

I was up sitting on the balcony sipp'n wine with the misses...... looking and listening to what sounded like New Year's celebrations going on in SilverSpring.
hit Jordans 8 on 8th street SE (marine barracks) saw the 44th president elect get his...

left there and took the inaugural route to eyebar...

crazy folks in the streets. horns honking...

partied @ eyebar with the homie kenny b. then hit park, but at that point, DC was shutdown with folks FLOODEEEEEEDDDDDDD IN THE STREETS.

a beautiful moment indeed.
Originally Posted by RUDOLPH1996

Went to work and quietly observed people discussing the outcome.. on the low...
See, for those of us in the Federal gov't.... the HATCH ACT keeps politics to a minimum... so you saw eye contact with a "wink".... on tha low Tiger fist pumps.... and alot of blank faces.....

But Tuesday nite:

I was up sitting on the balcony sipp'n wine with the misses...... looking and listening to what sounded like New Year's celebrations going on in Silver Spring.
I work for the Feds too... last week, Thursday, Friday and then this Week on Monday (and even on Tue.) I was rocking "Must Do It.Vote
", "Latinos for Obama/Biden", O Face,Obama t-shirt, button, etc. - I notice folks looking at me a little different but weren't saying nothing... till my co-worker hits me with the
"You know that's against federal law... they got something aboutthe Hatch Act and influencing people". He wasn't too sure on the specific but knew just enough to tell me to cover it up!

Anyways... Hummmm... I've been excited for days, I just knew that my weekend (with a trip to NY), then my Monday (free food at work and thinking the Skinswas going to win) was going to be great, and finally my Tuesday was going to be even much greater as we made history... the day/night on Tuesday... Woke upearly and went to vote with my Pops and took my nephew (11, he can't vote) but I took him so he can see me vote and be a part of history (I don't thinkhe appreciates it too much now but in the long run I'm sure he will understand)... voting process wasn't bad. Had a REAL community feeling to it in acommunity where I don't even know my neighbors name(s), talking to people in line, sharing who is giving free food, talking to the volunteers (asking if itwas OK I had the O Face shirt on, LOL), cool. It felt good to be there (second time I been able to vote) and representando for my people (Latinos) in a mainlyblack community. After I voted my swagga was on a hundred thousand trillion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No lie!

Aight, came to work still rocking the O Face shirt (but I did have a zipper sweater on too
), "worked". Somewhere between there I took my nephew to school,fed/walk my puppy, talk to all my homies (some who I didn't even bother asking if they was voting because usually they wouldn't but surprise surprisethis time they did), talked to my younger brother (first time voter) who usually doesn't care about crap and his voting experience... said he did one ofthese after he voted at the machine
and walked away, got a round of applause from a fewfolks.

AIGHT, hummm... still went to the gym rocking my O Face tee, just representing how I felt everywhere. Went home, had dinner, watch all the news channel(flipping channels), something else happen then truthfully thinking it wasn't going to get call the same night, I got sleepy and laid down in bed, begandozing off until my phone went off... So I woke up like "who the hell is this waking me up at 11:11pm/now i'm yawn'n/wipe the cole (sp)out myeyes/see who's this calling me and why?"... but before I could I see a txt
read "We DID IT Brooklyn, We DID IT", search for the remote like a mad man and flip it on the news and there it was "ObamaWins". Then I hear fireworks, gunshots, honking, yelling, dogs barking, so on... so now I'm feeling more awake.

I begin searching the local channel the 5, and 4s and stuff to see what was going on locally, I knew people would be celebrating and there it was a beautifulscene in DC, all races celebrating in unity with no reports of violence. People yelling, dancing, strutting, out the car, in the streets all over. Whichbrings me to another point why doesn't the media discuss this just a little more, i'm sure had there been some negetive incident whoooo they would havehad a field day with it. But I guess this is how things are. So I watch the McCain speech and the sore losers still boo'ing and McCain not being able toleft his arm high enough to tell them to stop, then Obama speech and then I cont. watching news, watch Nader on Fox ask "if Obama will turn out to be anUncle Same or Uncle Tom", nearing 1:00 and knowing I had to work the next day I just called it quits.

Anyways I was this >..< close to get up from my bed and go to DC but I just couldn't do it and I regret NOT doing it! :'( I should have beenthere with a U-Haul truck in front of the White House, but to make up for it I will be there on Jan. 20th!

Yep. Thats it! So nothing major, no ill story but just the fact I'm here living to talk about it is enough for me.
Attended an election party at one of my boy's cribs. Drank, shot the breeze and watched Jesse cry cause he F'd up. lmao
went home after work.....ate...had a few blue moons.....tuned in about 8:00....watched until after he gave his speech....lewinsky...Zzzzzzzzz lol
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