Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

Stephen A. is a PUPPET now to the NBA & Kobe. Dude is such an +$$-kisser

The only people keeping it real is MICHAEL WILBON & surprisingly BILL PLASCHKE
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Stephen A. is a PUPPET now to the NBA & Kobe. Dude is such an +$$-kisser

The only people keeping it real is MICHAEL WILBON & surprisingly BILL PLASCHKE
co-sign on mike wilbon and bill plaschke keeping it real. i can honestly say that if the kings got jerked that will be as a big a screwjob since brethart got screwed in montreal..... i can picture it now david stern giving the speech("david stern didnt screw the kings the kings screwed thekings")
Originally Posted by sneakerfiend157

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Stephen A. is a PUPPET now to the NBA & Kobe. Dude is such an +$$-kisser

The only people keeping it real is MICHAEL WILBON & surprisingly BILL PLASCHKE
co-sign on mike wilbon and bill plaschke keeping it real. i can honestly say that if the kings got jerked that will be as a big a screwjob since bret hart got screwed in montreal..... i can picture it now david stern giving the speech("david stern didnt screw the kings the kings screwed the kings")


@ vince mcmahon
Doesn't surprise me one bit. A family member in Vegas thats been working with sports gambling for 25 years has told me straight up they fix games. Everysport and its been going on forever. If you don't believe it, you soon will. Donaghy is snitching and if you think Stern won't be punished you'rewrong. Alot of darkness will come to light in the following months.
What exactly is wrong with this scenario? I imagine that the "nba executive" was probably a friend of JVG. So Cuban made an official complaint (that more than likely was assisted by video taped evidence) that Yao was getting away with illegal screens. Now the situation has been brought up to league's attention and from here on out they deliberately looking at Yao and will call all instances of illegal screens. IMO it's the same thing as Phil Jackson complaining about the amount of fouls not being called against the Lakers, and the very next game his team goes to the line 40+ times. BTW, I don't even get the "fix" aspect of that Houston series because all Donaghy said was that they were targeting Yao for illegal screens. So that alone cost them the game? Yeah right...
that's exactly what I was thinking. Owners and coaches send game tapes into the league office all the time complaining about something that aplayer is doing. I honestly cant believe people think that series was fixed because the cracked down on Yao's illegal screens. Illegal screens = illegaland therefore should be called reguardless of how they are found out about. Kobe complained about KGs illegal screens in game three and magically enough KGgot called in the crunch for it. Does that mean game 3 was "fixed" because KG was able to get away with it all game long and all of a sudden a reffinds out about it and starts calling it? Hell no, it means that the game is being played fairly.

Not being able to set illegal screens was not the reason why you guys lost by 40 in game seven. Suck it up, you didnt deserve to advance.
59 Piffy
"one day i can say i was right, $tern will be behind bars, and you all will know that your idol (his initials are M and J) wasnt all he was cracked up to be"
Stern will get punished but
to the secondstatement.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Doesn't surprise me one bit. A family member in Vegas thats been working with sports gambling for 25 years has told me straight up they fix games. Every sport and its been going on forever. If you don't believe it, you soon will. Donaghy is snitching and if you think Stern won't be punished you're wrong. Alot of darkness will come to light in the following months.

Everybody involved with the gambling world says it.

Nobody has any facts to back it up. They can only say there are too many crazy coincidences when dealing with spreads, over/unders, etc.

Thing is there would have to be way too many people involved to really fix games. Even if refs were paid off, they can't make players miss shots theyway a boxer can take a dive or a horse could suddenly not be as dominant.

College level is easier to pay kids off, but at the pros, with these guys making millions already, they don't have to get involved in this. And even ifthey do, then it would have to be a superstar to really change the game. We're talking about Kobe, Garnett, Odom (well the way hes been playing...maybe hegot paid off
) Pierce, etc.....would have to either win the game for the bookies orlose purposely.

Its easier to lose games, but what about when they HAVE to win?

And if EVERYONE was in on rigged games like these people in vegas always say there are, why havent there been more players coming out to talk about it?There would certainly be a rumor mill or a silentcode of some sort if it had some truth. At some point someone, even anonymously would say it.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

I really feel that it's rather convenient that Donaghy chose to mention two games that were already highly scrutinized....IMO it's almost like an "after the fact" kinda thing.

I don't really know what happened, but I do know that many people believe in conspiracy theories so they are eating this thing right up.

Donaghy's counsel, however, described the scenario of the 2005 first-round series in which former Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy said he had been told by an NBA executive that officials would be watching for moving screens. Van Gundy was fined $100,000 for not revealing the source of his information.
What exactly is wrong with this scenario? I imagine that the "nba executive" was probably a friend of JVG. So Cuban made an official complaint (that more than likely was assisted by video taped evidence) that Yao was getting away with illegal screens. Now the situation has been brought up to league's attention and from here on out they deliberately looking at Yao and will call all instances of illegal screens. IMO it's the same thing as Phil Jackson complaining about the amount of fouls not being called against the Lakers, and the very next game his team goes to the line 40+ times. BTW, I don't even get the "fix" aspect of that Houston series because all Donaghy said was that they were targeting Yao for illegal screens. So that alone cost them the game? Yeah right...

Did anyone just see the ESPN bottom line ticker?

said an ex official said " the League never told us we need this team or that team to be in the finals," but before a game a High Ranking league official came in and told them to "watch a certain guy, we dont want him doing this or that"
He said it was like planting a seed in your head ...
Gunna, you're a Sixer's guy right? So is that any different from a league official going to them and saying "watch Iverson, we don't want him palming the ball" when indeed that move is illegal? I think people are using this to support their own beliefs and theories, but I haven't seen any concrete evidence either way.

I complete agree with you. I made a similar point a few pages back and got a response to the effect that, "why would he bring up some random game. He's just confirming what everyone know already." Like you said, the fact that people have been complaining about the WCF since 2002 is what makesDonaghy's allegations so convenient.
Did anyone just see the ESPN bottom line ticker?

said an ex official said " the League never told us we need this team or that team to be in the finals," but before a game a High Ranking league official came in and told them to "watch a certain guy, we dont want him doing this or that"
He said it was like planting a seed in your head ...
Gunna, you're a Sixer's guy right? So is that any different from a league official going to them and saying "watch Iverson, we don't want him palming the ball" when indeed that move is illegal? I think people are using this to support their own beliefs and theories, but I haven't seen any concrete evidence either way.

IMO it is a very big difference, walk with me ...

If every game out previous You have not made it a point of emphasis but in the middle of the playoffs when the series is going a certain direction they comein and tell their officials, "Yao Ming, seems to be moving a lil bit on his screens, watch him , he's getting away wit it" ...

that sits right with you???
Imma show you how and why its fishy and how to go about it properly.

High Ranking official: " we want you to really keep an eye out on all screens that appear to beillegal "
"Okay cool we'll keep an eye on it and call that tight."

doesnt that plant less of a seed then saying, "we need you to watch yao when he sets his screens, he may be moving "
Similar to this year when all of sudden the refs were calling Shaq's free-throw violation. All season long it was smooth sailing. But now when the playoff****, he all of a sudden can't do it?
Two former NBA referees told ESPN on Thursday that federal investigators had questioned them about referee %*!! Bavetta while conducting their probe into Tim Donaghy.

Former referee Hue Hollins said Thursday on ESPN's Outside The Lines that federal investigators "questioned me about %*!! Bavetta more than they did about Tim Donaghy."

"They wanted to know what I knew about %*!! Bavetta in terms of holding calls, making sure this team wins, that team wins. I said 'I never heard of that, and I didn't know anything about it,' " Hollins said. "When they called to interview me, I was again caught by surprise they asked so many questions about Bavetta. I didn't know where they were going with that."

not looking good
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

I do find it ironic that Stern says we are not to believe Donaghy because he is a "convicted felon" yet Stern continues to employ a "convicted felon" as one of his top officials....Ken Mauer.

BANG BANG!! Nice catch. So, Mr. Commissioner, what say you?
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Two former NBA referees told ESPN on Thursday that federal investigators had questioned them about referee %*!! Bavetta while conducting their probe into Tim Donaghy.

Former referee Hue Hollins said Thursday on ESPN's Outside The Lines that federal investigators "questioned me about %*!! Bavetta more than they did about Tim Donaghy."

"They wanted to know what I knew about %*!! Bavetta in terms of holding calls, making sure this team wins, that team wins. I said 'I never heard of that, and I didn't know anything about it,' " Hollins said. "When they called to interview me, I was again caught by surprise they asked so many questions about Bavetta. I didn't know where they were going with that."

not looking good

Ouch. Hollins names !*@+ Bavetta. Has "Blind" Bavetta reffed a finals game this series? I haven't noticed him out there.

Looks like he did officiate Game 1
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Did anyone just see the ESPN bottom line ticker?

said an ex official said " the League never told us we need this team or that team to be in the finals," but before a game a High Ranking league official came in and told them to "watch a certain guy, we dont want him doing this or that"
He said it was like planting a seed in your head ...
Gunna, you're a Sixer's guy right? So is that any different from a league official going to them and saying "watch Iverson, we don't want him palming the ball" when indeed that move is illegal? I think people are using this to support their own beliefs and theories, but I haven't seen any concrete evidence either way.

IMO it is a very big difference, walk with me ...

If every game out previous You have not made it a point of emphasis but in the middle of the playoffs when the series is going a certain direction they come in and tell their officials, "Yao Ming, seems to be moving a lil bit on his screens, watch him , he's getting away wit it" ...

that sits right with you???
Imma show you how and why its fishy and how to go about it properly.

High Ranking official: " we want you to really keep an eye out on all screens that appear to be illegal "
"Okay cool we'll keep an eye on it and call that tight."

doesnt that plant less of a seed then saying, "we need you to watch yao when he sets his screens, he may be moving "

But it was Cuban specifically that was complaining about Yao for two games...

[h3]Mark Cuban: 'Hell yes I complained'[/h3]

Mark Cuban readily admitted complaining about the refs in the first two games of the 2005 Mavs-Rockets series, but he doesn't believe the result was crooked officiating, as alleged by Tim Donaghy's defense team.
Cuban responded by e-mail Tuesday evening.
"Hell yes I complained," he said. "Go look at the tapes. He [Yao] was setting illegal screens every time they ran a high pick-and-roll. So we sent them in, and they started calling the play by the books."

So I don't know, maybe it's just me but if the complaint was specifically about Yao, I see no problem with the officials saying that theywill keep a close eye on him the next game.
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