Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

why the doesnt LAPD just do what dorner wants. in his manifesto he CLEARLY STATEs that he would STOP the killings and attacks if they publicly display that he is INNOCENT.

hes not asking money, freedom, or his life or anything. HES ASKING TO JUST EXPOSE THE COPS AND WANTS THE TRUTH OUT.

how hard is that to do? like really? if they just announce it then kill him after.. he wouldnt have killed that couple in irvine or those cops in riverside if they stated that he was innocent.

or is the LAPD THAT worried about their rep where they would let this dude kill innocents to keep their corruptness a secret.

BUT OH whenever the news talks about his MANIFESTO whats the first thing they talk about?


but what about the simple thing that hes asking for? just to display that he is innocent in public...
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why the doesnt LAPD just do what dorner wants. in his manifesto he CLEARLY STATEs that he would STOP the killings and attacks if they publicly display that he is INNOCENT.

hes not asking money, freedom, or his life or anything. HES ASKING TO JUST EXPOSE THE COPS AND WANTS THE TRUTH OUT.

how hard is that to do? like really? if they just announce it then kill him after.. he wouldnt have killed that couple in irvine or those cops in riverside if they stated that he was innocent.

or is the LAPD THAT worried about their rep where they would let this dude kill innocents to keep their corruptness a secret.

BUT OH whenever the news talks about his MANIFESTO whats the first thing they talk about?


but what about the simple thing that hes asking for? just to display that he is innocent in public...

Yes, let's allow people to go on killing sprees and take hostages and give into all their demands. This is why we don't negotiate with terrorists. Same thing.
Drone strike later tonight.  They'll say he blew himself up.  
I thought they were just LAPD surveillance drones, not the kind the US uses to kill little Paki kids.

Anyways, how many people are now dead because the LAPD refused to investigate assaults on homeless people? Dude's demands
weren't like give me 50 million dollars or something extremely crazy.

It sucks that dude had to use killing innocents to get some attention to his story, so I'm on team truth...which will probably never see the light of day
I've always maintained that anything could happen in America, including using a drone to murk Dorner.  I just don't think that's what they meant when they said a drone would be used.  But hey--ya never know!  

Either way, dude is done for.  No way this guy escaped.
Yes, let's allow people to go on killing sprees and take hostages and give into all their demands. This is why we don't negotiate with terrorists. Same thing.
are you kidding me? did you read the manifesto? he wouldnt have killed anyone if they LAPD publicly displayed him being innocent... 

whats there to lose if they did that? if it worked then ok the killings stopped, if not then okay we're still where we are at right now
what was the point of that? what did she tell us?... nada! NT is providing more info than the major networks

NT doesn't have an obligation to report the truth. Read the last 10 pages, dudes report every single thing they read on twitter.

For these news stations, unless it is 100% confirmed its best they remain cautious with the things they report.
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