Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

Serious? Is it not feasible that Randy (not Randal; do you even watch/read the news?) is in police protection along with his family and the other named officers and their families? So if someone threatened the President, you expect him to give a public speech?

people threatened MLK, and he still came out in public.

and that's the difference, MLK died for what he believed in. these cops don't believe what they fight, therefore they are not willing to die for it
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It's not even about conspiracies, genius. Do you know how much goes on behind the scenes that we know nothing about? I guess the CIA and FBI are pretty much useless, huh? Since the truth always comes out and all.
the cia and fbi clandestine activities are all accounted for somewhere and they've been whisteblown on plenty of times.  do you?  if so, then it would stand to reason that the truth indeed, does always eventually come out.  if you don't, then yes...that would count as a conspiracy theory there uh, genius.  
No, I have no idea what goes on behind closed doors and I never said I did. And sure they've been caught up a bunch of times, but I guarantee much more stuff remains hidden than is made public. There are plenty of things that only people very high up the chain of command are privy to. So let's not pretend like WE as CITIZENS know a lot of the things that occur every day.

So what you're saying is that if I don't know what goes on behind the scene, I'm a conspiracy theorist? How does that make sense?
so it's a high profile case, we should feel sympathy, but if its a no one, why should not care right ok got it. now i think like you guys

You're doin too much. His daughter was murdered and the rest of his family is also in a life-threatening situation--what makes you think he'd be so hot to give a statement? Have you even given any thought to his mental state? He's probably not in the proper condition to give such a statement.

And no one's saying you shouldn't care about other cases, they're just saying that the media is going to focus on every detail of this case because it's the big thing running and that's what they do. I don't see how the decisions of the media make us all bad people.
I'm black and the only time i would get stopped by the cops is when i dressed like a "thug" and when i used to skate.
Most of the dudes on this site like to play the victim all of the time and i doubt they've been beaten up by the police before.

Don't dress like a badazz and you won't get treated like a badazz..
Please stop posting
some of you guys are investing way too much time and emotion on this case..

we got people defending the LAPD and we got people people defending Chris Donner..

but at the end of the day, who gives a damn.. none of you guys are doing anything to better anybody's situation anyways. 

stop arguing over all of this trivial BS.. i'm starting to believe that you guys get off on arguing over the internet.
The whole "cops in LA only stop people who dress hood" thing is completely ridiculous. I got accused of smacking someone, stealing shoes, and running away from a nearby FootLocker. I have tan skin so I guess that automatically makes me a cholo in LA, even though I'm not even Latino :stoneface: I was wearing a tucked in dress shirt with chinos cause I was on my way to my friend's daughter's school fair :smh: :lol:
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I'm rooting for no more innocent bloodshed. Bring Dorner to justice. Expose corruption within the LAPD. As unlikely as all of that it, that's what I'm "rooting" for.

Didn't you get the memo. Anyone not praising Dorner and the violence against the innocent is "rooting" for the LAPD and those who are corrupt.

Who are you to dictate what people should discuss? And who gives a damn? If you don't give a damn about injustice in any form especially as a minority I truly feel sorry for you. Yea let's all sit criss cross applesauce, sing kumbaya, and act like we aren't interested in current events because trilluminated catches feelings about a discussion. :stoneface:
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Who are you to dictate what people should discuss? And who gives a damn? If you don't give a damn about injustice in any form especially as a minority I truly feel sorry for you. Yea let's all sit criss cross applesauce, sing kumbaya, and act like we aren't interested in current events because trilluminated catches feelings about a discussion.

i caught feelings, irony..

you haven't done anything but catch feelings since you started posting on here..

and i never said people shouldn't care about current events.. i was talking more about the fact that all of this pointless arguing

in here isn't going to lead anywhere. it's obvious that it sure as hell isn't going to change the feelings or views of the other person.

but, by all means carry on with your insignificant arguments on NT. 
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Dudes trolling now. Wonder how much all of this is costing the municipalities out there.

Apartment evacuated after false report of Dorner

SAN BERNARDINO - A false report that fugitive Christopher Dorner was seen at the Eureka Manor apartment complex in the Del Rosa area led police to evacuate several apartments shortly after midnight Sunday.

"Everybody speculated that it was a false report, and we confirmed that," said Lt. Mike Madden. "It appeared to be a fight between neighbors, and what better way than to say Dorner is there?"

Only a few apartments were emptied, with the rest just allowed to remain inside for a few pre-dawn hours, Madden said.

Several residents said they had been forced to exit through windows and were still upset at the perceived rudeness from police, though.

"I was scared," said Yalanda Garza, 32. "We were out there for two hours. They made us empty our trunk, everything. ... They didn't even say 'sorry it turned out to be nothing.'"

Garza did smile when she remembered her son's reaction.

"He said it was like real-life 'Call of Duty,'" she said.

Rian Pittman, 23, said there was nothing funny about the treatment of the mostly black residents of the complex - treatment that reminded him of the racism he said motivated Christopher Dorner to kill three people.

Robert Johnson, 34, overheard and said nothing justified those killings and Dorner had to be stopped.
"He's playing with (police), and they have to do what they have to do," Johnson said. "Of course he's not here. Of course he wasn't in Big Bear. He's somewhere laughing. But what are you going to do?"

Sunday was the fourth day of a massive manhunt for Dorner, who is suspected of killing three people and aiming to kill more police.

"Tensions are high," Madden said.

Police do not intend to file charges for a false report, he said.

Read more: http://www.sbsun.com/news/ci_22559241/apartment-evacuated-after-false-report-dorner#ixzz2Ke82s91M
Villaraigosa said There's been 700 "tips" on the whereabouts of Dorner.

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the most sick people int he thread are the ones defending cops while ignoring the fact that 3 innocent people who have nothing to do with anything were SHOT AT.

I bet it's the same idiots telling people that they don't need guns. God forbid dude shot back and blew the cops heads off then he'd be at fault right. :rolleyes

Where is the law when you've got police officers firing into vehicles without attempting to arrest someone, without their rights, just firing away at suspects that aren't even suspects.

Dorner "I TOLD YOU SO"

I wish they reported which cops have done these shootings so far so hopefully they could be next. No damns given and no regrets from my statement.
Just finished reading page 1-10.

Dude is a genius. Good or Evil, he is a genius at what he is doing right now.

Just like him :

Any cliffs on page 11-38? :lol:

please :nerd:
Everyday I come home I gotta check this thread to c if my mans dorner got caught yet. Dude outsmarted to punk *** bacon boys n they r so desperate the shootim random old women
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