Ex GF Unappreciation... I dont want to be with her but I dont want her with anyone else... !@%?

Originally Posted by bbrroowwnnssuuggaarr

So my Ex GF broke up with me in the beginning of December and it sucked. Ill admit I cried cus she was my best friend and when we got together I cut off all my friends and got sober. We lived together and I thought she was the one but I think I was just so caught up in having someone always there I didnt realize that we werent meant for each other and I tried to make it work just off love but obviously it wasnt enough. We both loved each other alot but we were also polar opposites. She knew this from the beginning but we still tried to make it work. We lasted 2 years till it finally ended. Well we tried to be friends after it ended and about a month and a half after it was over we still slept together till one day we kicked it and she was beyond distant. When she was like that it killed me so after that when she tried to hang out I made up excuses that I couldnt so she eventually gave up and I got over her. Well fast forward to a month later I tried to hang out with her and something serious came up and I couldnt and after that we stopped trying and in that time she ran into an old flame. Well I had to meet up with her yesterday to get my birth certificate and release her phone line and I didnt want to at first but we ended up kicking it and it was like old times and I felt there was 2x she wanted to kiss me but she held off.  She was the one who said she wanted to be single for a year but she ran into an old crush form HS and he asked for her # and she wasnt feeling him at first and now she told me theyre dating. She hasnt slept with him cus hes a virgin and she doesnt know if she wants to do that to him. It killed me a little that she found someone who makes her happy and hes a square which was the main reason why we ended cus I quit going out. She let me know she was talking to 2 dudes she wanted to sleep with cus she didnt want a relationship but she wanted an F buddy and the other guy turned her down cus he wanted a relationship and she didnt. It killed me to hear that and I told her id still mess with her but she told me she didnt look at me sexually cus its been so long and cus I quit communication with her she was over it. Anyone been in the same situation? My boys keep telling me ill find someone better cus she treated me like garbage but its cus she was messed up emotionally and they say I can find someone more attractive but I felt she was perfect for me. Sorry for the long rant but yall are my therapy cus I dont vent to my homeys to much cus we have certain things that keep us distant...
You not sober...you're definitely not sober as you type this up.....
Spoiler [+]
I'm just sayin, you can do better.

tell me have you heard that lately.

Originally Posted by KashJunior

Originally Posted by bbrroowwnnssuuggaarr

So my Ex GF broke up with me in the beginning of December and it sucked. Ill admit I cried cus she was my best friend and when we got together I cut off all my friends and got sober. We lived together and I thought she was the one but I think I was just so caught up in having someone always there I didnt realize that we werent meant for each other and I tried to make it work just off love but obviously it wasnt enough. We both loved each other alot but we were also polar opposites. She knew this from the beginning but we still tried to make it work. We lasted 2 years till it finally ended. Well we tried to be friends after it ended and about a month and a half after it was over we still slept together till one day we kicked it and she was beyond distant. When she was like that it killed me so after that when she tried to hang out I made up excuses that I couldnt so she eventually gave up and I got over her. Well fast forward to a month later I tried to hang out with her and something serious came up and I couldnt and after that we stopped trying and in that time she ran into an old flame. Well I had to meet up with her yesterday to get my birth certificate and release her phone line and I didnt want to at first but we ended up kicking it and it was like old times and I felt there was 2x she wanted to kiss me but she held off.  She was the one who said she wanted to be single for a year but she ran into an old crush form HS and he asked for her # and she wasnt feeling him at first and now she told me theyre dating. She hasnt slept with him cus hes a virgin and she doesnt know if she wants to do that to him. It killed me a little that she found someone who makes her happy and hes a square which was the main reason why we ended cus I quit going out. She let me know she was talking to 2 dudes she wanted to sleep with cus she didnt want a relationship but she wanted an F buddy and the other guy turned her down cus he wanted a relationship and she didnt. It killed me to hear that and I told her id still mess with her but she told me she didnt look at me sexually cus its been so long and cus I quit communication with her she was over it. Anyone been in the same situation? My boys keep telling me ill find someone better cus she treated me like garbage but its cus she was messed up emotionally and they say I can find someone more attractive but I felt she was perfect for me. Sorry for the long rant but yall are my therapy cus I dont vent to my homeys to much cus we have certain things that keep us distant...
I used to think the same way, but there are a lot of girls out there. Just keep doing your thing. 
Someone will come your way that treats you better and knows what she wants

Word. Just went through a rough break myself. Life goes on bruh. I liken rough break ups to getting hit in the balls by a baseball; that shit is one of the worst pains in the world, but there is no better feeling then when it stops hurting.
Been there done that. Here's what you do or going to do...

1) eventually get all mushy inside and plot how to get back with her
2) move on and get over it...my cuz actually posted something noteworthy on my FB...he said it's sad with things fall apart, but it's even sadder when people don't know when to move on.

It would be stupid of you to make your decision based of a bunch of anon's on NT. Make the decision you would least regret in the future.
Originally Posted by Wordy Dirts

Originally Posted by KashJunior

Originally Posted by bbrroowwnnssuuggaarr

So my Ex GF broke up with me in the beginning of December and it sucked. Ill admit I cried cus she was my best friend and when we got together I cut off all my friends and got sober. We lived together and I thought she was the one but I think I was just so caught up in having someone always there I didnt realize that we werent meant for each other and I tried to make it work just off love but obviously it wasnt enough. We both loved each other alot but we were also polar opposites. She knew this from the beginning but we still tried to make it work. We lasted 2 years till it finally ended. Well we tried to be friends after it ended and about a month and a half after it was over we still slept together till one day we kicked it and she was beyond distant. When she was like that it killed me so after that when she tried to hang out I made up excuses that I couldnt so she eventually gave up and I got over her. Well fast forward to a month later I tried to hang out with her and something serious came up and I couldnt and after that we stopped trying and in that time she ran into an old flame. Well I had to meet up with her yesterday to get my birth certificate and release her phone line and I didnt want to at first but we ended up kicking it and it was like old times and I felt there was 2x she wanted to kiss me but she held off.  She was the one who said she wanted to be single for a year but she ran into an old crush form HS and he asked for her # and she wasnt feeling him at first and now she told me theyre dating. She hasnt slept with him cus hes a virgin and she doesnt know if she wants to do that to him. It killed me a little that she found someone who makes her happy and hes a square which was the main reason why we ended cus I quit going out. She let me know she was talking to 2 dudes she wanted to sleep with cus she didnt want a relationship but she wanted an F buddy and the other guy turned her down cus he wanted a relationship and she didnt. It killed me to hear that and I told her id still mess with her but she told me she didnt look at me sexually cus its been so long and cus I quit communication with her she was over it. Anyone been in the same situation? My boys keep telling me ill find someone better cus she treated me like garbage but its cus she was messed up emotionally and they say I can find someone more attractive but I felt she was perfect for me. Sorry for the long rant but yall are my therapy cus I dont vent to my homeys to much cus we have certain things that keep us distant...
I used to think the same way, but there are a lot of girls out there. Just keep doing your thing. 
Someone will come your way that treats you better and knows what she wants

Word. Just went through a rough break myself. Life goes on bruh. I liken rough break ups to getting hit in the balls by a baseball; that shit is one of the worst pains in the world, but there is no better feeling then when it stops hurting.
Don't believe a word she says now man. She's getting all her orifices pushed in by those 3 dudes at the same time. 
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

become a buddhist
i promise you, you wont have to worry about that kind of crap


i just broke up with my chick too
OP I've been in a situation almost like yours. You just have to accept the fact that people change and you need to move on. Two years is hard to forget, but you should try to box up everything that reminds you of her and put it in the garage or attic. Drastic changes, but It will eventually help you grow as a person. Sooner or later, she's gonna realize she messed up, and hopefully you'll be in a better relationship.
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

4 words...

Barney Stinsen


wait for it....

true story.

my .02...

is she skated off once, what makes you think she won't do it again?

and stop making excuses for her. we are all screwed up emotionally.

Its cool to feel how you do op but watch
one day your meet someone else and your gonna be so glad you got over your ex
and on a side note you dont what shortie doin when your not around so just cause someone a virgin dont mean jack!
Originally Posted by WaitWut

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

become a buddhist
i promise you, you wont have to worry about that kind of crap


i just broke up with my chick too

Buddhist believe in ascending to different levels. You start out as a denizen of hell and if you do good you go up a level which a hungry ghost, then its animal then human, and them demi buddas and finally a Buddha which is you have no need for worldly things such as love and sex etc.
I felt the same way after my last ex and I broke up for a long time. Now she's %%@*%@$ some coke head low life who use to hang out around the parties that we were at with friends. She's supposedly in love with the dude from my what friends told me. I started laughing after I found out because I was by far the best dude she ever dated from what her bro told me. It sort of explained itself to me when I remembered that she said once, "You know that you're the first guy that I am dating that I haven't gotten into it trying to fix them, you actually are sort of trying to fix me."

I sort of was in a funk and had to let a lot of that *!*@ out to my friends before I started to feel somewhat normal. But I realized that she wasn't right for me, especially after reading Steve Jobs' autobiography. In one of the chapters his perfect match was explained. And I'll never compare myself to Steve Jobs in terms of originality and thinking, but I have a very strong, demanding, and arrogant personality that needs to be checked sometimes. And I realized that I can't have a girl that I can sort of mold into what I want, I want someone who will know when to get me level headed again when I get too high up there.

Just give it time dude, and you can always do better, so don't get stuck in this idea that she was perfect.
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