Ex/Ex f-buddy/jumpoff hitting you up (PIC UP)

May 4, 2009
Why do they feel like they can hit you up with the "hey
how's your summer"  after it's been months of no contact because of HER. 
 And the she starts playing the the game with texts again...
In my case it's an ex f-buddy...so I may...hit her up? Comments? 

And no I ain't simping, I got others, it's just I'm greedy and don't have any emotional attachment to her now. 

Pic, on left:

You mad she dropped you? Just play the games wit her and see what she tryin to do. Its never a bad thing to add some @%@++ to the squad. Man up. If you have no emotional attachment like you say then this should be a no brainer.
I dont see the problem.

Do your thing, let her disappear for a few months and begin the cycle again.

Those are the best f-buddies.
lol i feel you op. my ex just hit me a few days ago. i couldnt understand his logic as to why...even to i ended it.
if u said its unappreciated, then why are u asking us if u should hit her up or not???/
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

In my case it's an ex f-buddy...so I may...hit her up? Comments? 
the hell kinda question is this? 
 F you think? 
edit: unless you have a GF and want to stay committed, there's no reason for you to ax this question.  
There should NEVER be any emotional attachments to jumpoffs.

You need to provide pics as well, this isn't an option.
both female and males play this game with our buddies. if you dont want to do anything with her anymore then dont. just tell her youre seeing someone and thats the end of it.
It's been a couple months since we spoke and I saw her on the street yesterday, hence her texting me. I would smash, but I don't want the damn games. She already sent me the "sry abt last night
" text for hitting me up and then never coming through...

I'll smash again but I HATE the game.
My Ex (who now has a child) just called me the other day. I NEVER call her. She has been texting/calling me once every few weeks since we broke up YEARS ago. We aren't on bad terms or anything its just I dont think we fit in each others lives.

Anyway, she always calls me and says her mom asked about me so thats why she called. Apparently her mom even went as far to say "How come he doesn't come over anymore? He hasn't seen your kid in so long? blah blah.." Keep in mind, it is NOT my child and I haven't even met the father. Hell, I dont even know if they still together.

Basically, what I look like playing with another man's child? I know it's her kid too but I know if I was the father, I would not want my kid being in the hands of someone whom I've never met.
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