Ever felt like a racial Stereotype?

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

i always wondered to black people really not like mayo...i do...i never thought about it until i saw Undercover Brother...
I like it to but I also put hot sauce on it when I eat it with anything

i hate hot sauce...
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

i always wondered to black people really not like mayo...i do...i never thought about it until i saw Undercover Brother...
I love mayo, I put it on everything!
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

White stereotypes I do/don't fit:

I own guns.
I go fishing and hunting.
I've played WoW.
I drink Mt. Dew.
I like Wayne Brady.
I do need a guitar in my music.
I can't dance.
I can't dunk.
The only spanish I ever bothered to learn is no hablo espanol.
I like to blow things up.
I have been seen at Taco Bell at 2 in the morning.
i'm colombian & i've had several family members deported back home for reasons i'm sure everyone can already gather
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Yea I was pickin cotton one time in this white guy's field

Silly me


...I'm laughing only because a somewhat similar thing happened to me.

So my University is surrounded by somewhat of a rural country. There are a few private farms around and during the various seasons, when vegetable and foodstuffs are bountiful, the owners will allow you to come on the farm, pick as much fruits/veges as you want, then pay according to weight.

Well one summer, my (white) homey wanted to go to a strawberry farm so she came and picked me up. So we get to the farm, we picking strawberries, mind you it's hot as hell, we both kinda sweating, and out the blue she says...

"man isn't this great...wouldn't you just love waking up every morning, going to a farm, and picking food with the nice sun in your face all day long..."

At this point...I'm looking at her like...

Then i hit her with the..."ohhh...you mean like slavery...

She immediately starts blushing, because she's embarrassed-- meanwhile I'm LMAO with basket in hand, full of strawberries...
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

White stereotypes I do/don't fit:

I own guns.
I go fishing and hunting.
I've played WoW.
I drink Mt. Dew.
I like Wayne Brady.
I do need a guitar in my music.
I can't dance.
I can't dunk.
The only spanish I ever bothered to learn is no hablo espanol.
I like to blow things up.
I have been seen at Taco Bell at 2 in the morning.

I don't like mayo.
I don't wear sandals.
I don't fist bump every black person I meet.
Yesterday I tripped and fell playing basketball, so today I came to school with relatively large bandage on my arm. Throughout whole day I had to entertainpeople's questions of how I got the cut, but in my last class I got one question that I hadn't braced myself for. So the bell rings to start class andthis girl (caucasian girl) who sits infront of me whom I've never spoken to turns around and asks me what happened to my arm. I give her the short replyand just told her I fell, instead of just leaving it at that shorty asks me with a straight face," Did you steal something, were you running from thepolice and fell?". All I could do was smile uncomfortably and start my work.
Originally Posted by Sneakerhead14

Yesterday I tripped and fell playing basketball, so today I came to school with relatively large bandage on my arm. Throughout whole day I had to entertain people's questions of how I got the cut, but in my last class I got one question that I hadn't braced myself for. So the bell rings to start class and this girl (caucasian girl) who sits infront of me whom I've never spoken to turns around and asks me what happened to my arm. I give her the short reply and just told her I fell, instead of just leaving it at that shorty asks me with a straight face," Did you steal something, were you running from the police and fell?". All I could do was smile uncomfortably and start my work.
Originally Posted by black chiney

being Jamaican every time i light up a spliff


Yeah, I know this feeling pretty well, and it doesn't help that I have a full African American friend who constantly cracks Jamaican jokes around me
Instead of focusing on what makes you look stereotypical, why not focus on what you do that defies stereotypes. Sig check!
Originally Posted by Sneakerhead14

Yesterday I tripped and fell playing basketball, so today I came to school with relatively large bandage on my arm. Throughout whole day I had to entertain people's questions of how I got the cut, but in my last class I got one question that I hadn't braced myself for. So the bell rings to start class and this girl (caucasian girl) who sits infront of me whom I've never spoken to turns around and asks me what happened to my arm. I give her the short reply and just told her I fell, instead of just leaving it at that shorty asks me with a straight face," Did you steal something, were you running from the police and fell?". All I could do was smile uncomfortably and start my work.

Shoulda flashed.
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