Ever feel like punching the lights out of your roommate for not doing dishes?

my roommate is like this

my other roommate (the one that actually shares a room with him) got fed up and did them for him.

lazy/slob roommates FTL
Man I thought this was just me that got heated over this.

My roommate leaves *&$% in the sink for weeks on end. There'll be scrambled eggs in all our pans just sitting in dirty water. She's such a filthylittle slob and all my other roommates just enable her it's sickening. Like my boyfriend and I couldn't eat at the kitchen table for a week straight(the kitchen is the communal area of my quad-type thing) because her laptop and books and garbage were all over it so I told her to get her filth outta thereand she's like "I've been working really hard lately I haven't had time."

It's like ....you've made the trip from your room to the kitchen and back on several occasions...just bring back a few things at a time. lazy little b.

End rant.
We faced some physical altercations, and me cutting his internet off. But he finally gave up and did it
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