Euphoria HBO & A24's series | Starring Zendaya| RIP Angus Cloud

Cal's dad is a sexual deviant but what exactly are they about to charge him with?

Right. Taping a sex act unknowingly is considered eavesdropping which you can be charged for...but they'd have to prove everyone in the tapes didn't consent which would obviously take time.

No way in the hell he could just drop off a thumb drive to the police and they just go grab him immediately.
Cal's dad is a sexual deviant but what exactly are they about to charge him with?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the most damning count he can be charged for is having sexual intercourse with a minor on camera (Jules). She may not be the only one. There's also soliciting prostitutes (male and female). I'm not sure the charges for unknowingly recording sex with another adult, though.

I am not sure if he will do hard time but his reputation will be/has been obliterated regardless of he sees the inside of a cell or not.

Nate won.

EDIT: This was was posted while I was typing
Right. Taping a sex act unknowingly is considered eavesdropping which you can be charged for...but they'd have to prove everyone in the tapes didn't consent which would obviously take time.

No way in the hell he could just drop off a thumb drive to the police and they just go grab him immediately.

This is where reality needs to be suspended IMO :lol: But on top of that, the timeline needs to be revisited (or I need to rewatch). In theory, Nate could have had the thumb drive ready and gone to the police after Cal dipped but he waited to give them the drop on his location until he was fed up. Although perhaps they would have checked there if that was the case? I really can't explain away this one but I also can't with a lot of other stuff on this show so I'm going to let it rock :lol:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the most damning count he can be charged for is having sexual intercourse with a minor on camera (Jules). She may not be the only one. There's also soliciting prostitutes (male and female). I'm not sure the charges for unknowingly recording sex with another adult, though.

I am not sure if he will do hard time but his reputation will be/has been obliterated regardless of he sees the inside of a cell or not.

Nate won.

EDIT: This was was posted while I was typing

This is where reality needs to be suspended IMO :lol: But on top of that, the timeline needs to be revisited (or I need to rewatch). In theory, Nate could have had the thumb drive ready and gone to the police after Cal dipped but he waited to give them the drop on his location until he was fed up. Although perhaps they would have checked there if that was the case? I really can't explain away this one but I also can't with a lot of other stuff on this show so I'm going to let it rock :lol:

The drop on his location??? Who is this *****....Ghost? :lol:

It just didn't make sense. It would have made more sense if the Jules mixtape was what he delivered.
Fez going away for a few things. No way around it.

You think a dead Ashtray getting all those gun charges? That's just to start.
Fez going away for a few things. No way around it.

You think a dead Ashtray getting all those gun charges? That's just to start.

Murder (3x), accessory, drug possession with intent to distribute, child endangerment, illegal firearms.

Dude might as well get buried under the jail unless they want him to flip on Laurie that’s his only hope lol.
Murder (3x), accessory, drug possession with intent to distribute, child endangerment, illegal firearms.

Dude might as well get buried under the jail unless they want him to flip on Laurie that’s his only hope lol.
He removed all the drugs from his spot so doubtful for drug charged unless they find his stash or he keeps all the weight in his corner store.

Don't see him getting 3 murder charges straight up. Definitely not the cop or Ashtray and its not clear if they could directly connect him to the death of other drug dealing dude
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He removed all the drugs from his spot so doubtful for drug charged unless they find his stash or keeps all the weight in his corner store.

If they had a warrant for the house they got one for the corner store too.

On top of it, when he tries to pin Mouse’s death on ash the cop gunna ask.

“Why ash kill mouse”

What type of lie you got in the cut for a 12 year old killing a drug dealer?
I don't think Jules is on the thumb drive. He actually likes her and doing that would ensure they'd never be together.

Why would he give her the tape if he was gonna give it to the cops anyway? She'd see it when they question her.
He removed all the drugs from his spot so doubtful for drug charged unless they find his stash or keeps all the weight in his corner store.

Don't see him getting 3 murder charges straight up. Definitely not the cop or Ashtray and its not clear if they could directly connect him to the death of other drug dealing dude
Dude been snitching on him. That is probably the drug charges

They want to get him for Mouse's murder and ole boy was snitching on them about that. One murder

The dude snitching on them Ash stabbed. Second murder (pulls probably obstruction of justice for killing a cooperating witness)

Since they will argue they were in the process of committing a crime (the 2nd murder, and having the illegal guns). The cops being killed by his accomplice puts him on the hook for felony murder.

The only one up in the air to me is if they can pin Ash's death on him.

All they have to do is connect him to Ash as a willing participants in a drug operation, and he is most likely on the hook for those murders.

He can't really argue that the murders Ash committed were a) separate from his drug business (they were not) and also b) Ash is a minor.

I dunno how this would all play out if it was the real world. And maybe they do another "suspend reality" moment to have Fez get off, with Big Lips telling some tales, but Fez seems royally ****** to me.
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If they had a warrant for the house they got one for the corner store too.

On top of it, when he tries to pin Mouse’s death on ash the cop gunna ask.

“Why ash kill mouse”

What type of lie you got in the cut for a 12 year old killing a drug dealer?
Well the truthful answer is 'I don't know'

No sensible reason why Ash killed him other than he hates snitches (and the cops).

It really has nothing to do with who Fez killed.

Also we don't know where Fez kept his stash so its not a guarantee they find it at the store either.
Dude been snitching on him. That is probably the drug charges

They want to get him for Mouse's murder and ole boy was snitching on them about that. One murder

The dude snitching on them Ash killed. Second murder (pulls probably obstruction of justice for killing a cooperating witness)

Since they will argue they were in the process of committing a crime (the 2nd murder, and having the illegal guns). The cops being killed by his accomplice puts him on the hook for felony murder.

The only one up in the air to me is if they can pin Ash's death on him.

All they have to do is connect him to Ash as a willing participants in a drug operation, and he is most likely on the hook for those murders.

He can't really argue that the murders Ash committed were a) separate from his drug business (they were not) and also b) Ash is a minor.

Maybe they do another "suspend reality" moment to have Fez get off, with Big Lips telling some tales, Fez seems royally ****ed.
Snitching requires evidence. Something to back up the info.

Just saying this dude deals drugs and killed another dealer aint enough. Which is why he was up in there trying to incriminate Fez with the mic'd phone.

Gonna be hard to connect Fez to that when Ash dead and so its the cooperator.
Snitching requires evidence. Something to back up the info.

Just saying this dude deals drugs and killed another dealer aint enough. Which is why he was up in there trying to incriminate Fez with the mic'd phone.

Gonna be hard to connect Fez to that when Ash dead and so its the cooperator.
If dude is snitching, then he is telling the cops "Dude deals drugs with me, I witnessed him kill my former partner in front of me"

But ok cool. I can concede the drug charges are not a lock given what was shown on the show

But there is a dead cooperating witness in Fez's living room, they found him holding the murder weapon, and being in a house with a ton of illegal guns.

It seems like the drug charges are the least of his worries right now
I believe so, if I remember correctly

But in a statutory rape case that means nothing

Correct...but he's pointing that out in response to the idea that there could be more tapes w/ minors.

That would mean he's doing it on purpose and the show hasn't shown anything to suggest that. He genuinely seemed surprised when he found out Jules was underage, so the idea that he would have made that same mistake multiple times is a little far fetched.
maddy perez or alexa demie whatever we going to call her is the love of my life she just busy working rn
Correct...but he's pointing that out in response to the idea that there could be more tapes w/ minors.

That would mean he's doing it on purpose and the show hasn't shown anything to suggest that. He genuinely seemed surprised when he found out Jules was underage, so the idea that he would have made that same mistake multiple times is a little far fetched.
The show did a bad job of explaining what exactly Cal got arrested for, but I don't think it is farfetched that Cal had sex with other minors. He asked Jules her age, but the next person they showed him in a motel room with, he doesn't ask.

Dude bangs random people in a motel close to the town where he lives and runs a business, and was interested in younger people. Mans is sloppy as hell
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Yea after that whole play and lack of adults, whatever fez gets is going serve the story

But there are a bunch of shh he could get charged with beyond murder
Refresh my memory, not justifying it, didn’t Jules lie to Cal about their age?

As already noted, that means nothing in a court of law.

Also, Nate was 11 when he first saw video of his dad smashing. I don’t think it’s too far fetched to think between then and now that he’s slept with more than one underage person.

edit: I’ll also add the rape on tape angle with Cal. In Cal’s shop Nate said to him that they’re a lot alike in that they both like to inflict pain on others. Maybe that could’ve been a nod to Cal taking it too far with someone on tape without explicitly saying it? Whatever the case they did a good job of leaving us guessing and eagerly waiting for next season. :lol:
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