Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Appreciation

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Love this flick, it resonates with introverted fools like myself who've ever been in love with an eccentric female that changes you a little.

I liked it a lot.
One of my favorites, for sure.

I'm a bit of a +%**% for Charlie Kauffman though... so it's no surprise.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Love this flick, it resonates with introverted fools like myself who've ever been in love with an eccentric female that changes you a little.

Very well stated.

Think Im gonna watch it again tonight
By the way to those who have Netflix, its available to stream instantly, so you can watch it on a 360/computer whenever.
If you like this movie, i definitely recommend both Being John Malkovich and Adaptation.

Two other screenplays by Charlie Kauffman... definitely not the same type of love stories, but kinda similar vibes to them all.
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


This is definitely one of my top films.

Well acted by all casted, and Gondry's imaginative practical effects are just damn nice.

...Movie'll mess with your heart too.



I'm watching 500 Days of Summer right now.

Julius F. Wrek
Can't forget the script either, Charlie Kaufman did a superb job, and Gondry really brought it to life.

500 Days was great too, saw it in the theaters, definitely want to watch it again.

Originally Posted by Crftz333

If you like this movie, i definitely recommend both Being John Malkovich and Adaptation.

Two other screenplays by Charlie Kauffman... definitely not the same type of love stories, but kinda similar vibes to them all.
I second this. Kaufman's writing is just so unique and original, Adaptation is a great film for anyone who has an interest, or even just anunderstanding, of the screenwriting process.
One of those movies, i watched when i was younger and thought i understood it but i really didnt. I watched it about 3 weeks ago, and i was like damn i how noidea what was going on back in the day.

Those faces deleting was freaking me out.
500 days of summer is the story of my life.. that story happened to me exactly the way it happened to him. i've never seen this flick although i'veheard a lot about it plus jay elec bodied the score.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

500 days of summer is the story of my life.. that story happened to me exactly the way it happened to him. i've never seen this flick although i've heard a lot about it plus jay elec bodied the score.

Its an awesome soundtrack by itself, and just went off on it. Loved them both.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

500 days of summer is the story of my life.. that story happened to me exactly the way it happened to him. i've never seen this flick although i've
heard a lot about it plus jay elec bodied the score.

Its an awesome soundtrack by itself, and just went off on it. Loved them both.

(500) Days of Summer > Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
One of the best movies I ever saw...WAY before I could even relate to it. And now? +*!$. It ain't even a movie. It's like gospel
This was one of those movies where i watched it a long time ago, then i watched it again later and i realized i had no clue what was going on. lol

Movie is very appreciated, oh clementine.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Kirsten Dunst loses at the end = dat piff

great movie, oddly enough, i found it predictable, though? Anyone else know exactly what was going on / what would happen before it even ended? I couldn't think of any other explanation so it made it a little obvious
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