ESPN's 30 for 30 King's ransom tonight @ 8

Its crazy to think that the man who owns so many records that the entire league retired his number was once traded.

I don't think it was very well made. I was really bothered by the golf interview.
and i hope lebron isn't watching this.
Except LeBron is in the opposite situation, he will spend his whole life regretting staying in Cleveland if he does actually indeed stay there. The differenceis Gretzky was surrounded by multiple hall of famer's who were in the prime of there career's (Fuhr, Messier) and he left for a team that has notalent.
just got done watching kings ransom. learned quite a bit. i was born in '84, so by the time i was watching hockey, 99 was a king. i always knew him as aking. my dad always told me that he wishes i could have seen what him and his crew did in edmonton.

as far as why pockington traded him...same reason players get traded today. pure economics. he knew he wasn't going to resign him, so you gotta getsomething in return. i didnt realize how bad things got down the stretch and right after the trade though. it was interesting to see the he said/she said gamethat kinda went on. part me wonders if theres more to it...but we'll never know.

i thought the documentary was great...but the damn shots at the driving range were kinda lame. like why break off? just have wayne's voice as narrator talkabout that stuff. no need to totally disrupt the story line and video. i not film student...that's just me though.
the only situations in the past 3 decades I could see mirroring this one would be the Bulls trading Jordan in 1993, Jeter being traded after 2000, or Bradybeing traded in 04. That's all I can really compare.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

the only situations in the past 3 decades I could see mirroring this one would be the Bulls trading Jordan in 1993, Jeter being traded after 2000, or Brady being traded in 04. That's all I can really compare.
That's not even really a good comparisson, with maybe the exception of Jordan. No disrespect, but Jeter or Brady should never be mentioned inthe same sentence as Gretzky.
I enjoyed it. Wasn't groundbreaking or anything, but it was nice to see the events that led up to that trade. I'm old enough to remember when Gretzkywas in Edmonton, that trade was shocking to say the least.
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