:::::: ENTOURAGE: "FORE!" 10:30pm ET ::::::

22 minutes...really

Wack episode with a few
moments. Like when Ari beat Lloyd with thegold club, and when Turtle took the golf cart and drove off into the distance

Eh, we got three 30 min episodes to start the season, i'll take the 20 here or there.

Other than that, good filler episode.

E throwing the fit towards sloan and calling his new girl sloan based the episode for me.

Drama and turtle were great with Mark and Tom
This was a solid episode. I loved when Ari beat Lloyd with the club.That had me rolling lol. E loves Sloan so much that he cant stand her. He would have takenthe job if she didnt offer it.
How after all these seasons Turtle finally get star struck? Mark checked his !%@.

Drama was his usual over the top self

E is such a sucka sometimes

I damn near forgot Vince was on til he dropped that slick remark about the $4million, and Vince gonna get a baby momma or two hanging on campus with Turtle

but yea if I had to rank the episodes this would def be at the bottom, brady sounded so unenthusiastic

@ 20 minutes, and the outro song made left me in disgust

good filler though, [chants] more sloan more sloan!![chants]

Episode was good
Smh for Eric talking like that to Sloan.........really can't stand Ashley
Mark and Drama were funny
Mark should get more time on the show. And we def need an hour long show...this 30 minutes is not doing it
Wow, people actually not complaining about this episode and making it not sound like Sex In The City, must have been one stellar episode.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Mark should get more time on the show. And we def need an hour long show...this 30 minutes is not doing it

I dont mind the 30 minutes

they do it like that cause each episode is one day in their life

if it was an hour it would have corny sub plots.

Think of the wire. There were so many story lines in that show with the cops, kids, school, detectives, corner boys, Bosses like Marlo, not to mention Omar,and the Mayor, and even with all that i know im missing some

Entourage doesnt have all that so if it was an hour i think it would get real repetitive
*++$. I need it to be online. I can't wait until midnight for the re-air. I missed it.
Internet pirates need to speed things up.
after that swallowww itttttttt

better episode. But sloan is irritating as hell and e is a herb. The show is at it's best when it doesn't focus on e or vince
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Episode was good
Smh for Eric talking like that to Sloan.........really can't stand Ashley
Mark and Drama were funny

I agree with this guy
Ashley =
Even though episode was basically a set up for the future, it was funny as hell.

Drama was killing me with his golf outfit. Out there looking like Payne Stewart!
i wasnt pleased with this episode..ari and his client...+!% was that about? it stopped being funny after the first scene with the kids and you can tell theresno meaninful story there for the future. Big props to ari leasing a masarati just cause he slept on the couch lol..
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