NT detectives get on this!

I want her address, phone number, bank account, license plates, etc.

Don't let me down pls

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Dont know about that playa......if she worked at the library you know got damn well you would pawn that kindle.
all im sayin is.....if she worked at rack room shoes.....i'd be buyin nike cortez like a mf.
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maybe not easy pass but in no way would cats be beasting on her. I mean I live in NYC and she looks like every other well dressed AWG out here.

i'd smang tho, just not beast.
Lmao told dude go ride your motorcycle hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah I'm crying
Good god, a lot of you guys must have a distorted definition for "average." Who would have ever guessed that "average" could be a hyperbole?
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