Eminem NEW ALBUM - Kamikaze

Joe out here snitching and acting like a *****. Talkin about Diddy heard it and it's going to handle it. LoL like a ***** talking about my brother/father/mom got this.
Em didnt go at Puffy.

Em has no reason or history to go at Puff.

The guy in that vid don't know what the **** he's talking about :lol:

She basically said Em went at Puff cuz Puff has MGK on his label and he gave Budden and Leonard shows on his network :lol:

Like you really think that's how it works? And even if Em was how does anyone think that's gonna end when Em just joked about Puff getting Pac killed? :lol:
finally watched breakfast club MGK
good interview.
I never hated dude I actually liked him in a lot of songs.
but this dude kinda delusional.
he bobbing and weaving a lot.
Basically Em said things that weren't relevant
he still didn't answer the facts
He's old
he stutters (as MGK stutters litterally the entire interview)
He doesn't feel the need to respond to Killshot because he doesn't think it was that good.
and he drops an album today..
He doesn't like riding this wave this wave......but he's going to ride it to get his music out there.
he said the booing videos are fake. and every concert he's at he goes in the crowd and no one wanted smoke
Lol I feel like all rappers stutter unless they're in the booth or on the mic rapping or freestlying.
Now that i think more about it and after listening to the budden podcast from last saturday
I hate that MGK is saying he's a champion of the people. and blah blah blah...
How are you a champion of the people when 1, your rap lyrics are not empowering in anyway to the community.
2. You don't do anything for the community or the culture but collect your cchecks.

I have no problem if you don't do those things. As long as you don't say that you do or claim to be the holier than thou type.
But once you start getting on that I do interviews and im the for the people then you get called out for it....

Em never claimed to be of the people, Em said from jump he hates interviews.
he looked mad uncomfortable doing the sway interview. ..
so what Em is a Recluse, we knew from jump he was the type of person who was introverted and didn't want to be in the limelight for no other reason than his music.
so why is it a problem now? because someone got called out...and now he's trying to flip the narrative.

One of the main attractions to most of the stars back in the day was that they're not as accessible. Social media wave made that different these days. Not everyone has latched on, and it's not fair to make that person do it, especially when that person wants no parts of it. Why can't we just enjoy the music when they launch.
Basically Em said things that weren't relevant
he still didn't answer the facts
He's old
he stutters (as MGK stutters litterally the entire interview)
He doesn't feel the need to respond to Killshot because he doesn't think it was that good.
and he drops an album today..
He doesn't like riding this wave this wave......but he's going to ride it to get his music out there.
he said the booing videos are fake. and every concert he's at he goes in the crowd and no one wanted smoke

then what made his interview good lol

Lmao .

MGKs album is absolute trash.....
All that talk
All that chest puffin and he produced this trash album "binge" theres is one song i kinda rock with ..but wowwwww.
Rap Career done

I hope he makes it in movies
Its funny how my opinion changed of rap devil once Killshot came out. When Rap Devil came out, I was honestly impressed by it and thought it was pretty good. Maybe cuz we haven't seen many people try and go at EM like that.

Once Killshot came out I realized how bad that diss song was. Whats funny about it also is that EM literally just flipped everything he said back onto him. I doubt he really tapped into any of his actual material against him. He probably expected another round. Everyone also wants to say that...yea this wasn't a MGK killer (I disagree) but people forget that it was much more than one song that flamed out Ja Rule's Career.

Also, I think MGK feelings were hurt over the manbun lol. "Im spitting facts and hes talking about Man buns." Was MGK too slow to realize that the man bun line was a play on "his beard is weird."

Another line or word really that people are complaining about is when Eminem called MGK "a goof." That was also a play on rap devil when MGK called Em a dweeb.

The list continues but it shows they are on completely different levels and then MGK released a terrible album. I gave it a fair honest listen.....its just bad.
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