Eminem - 60 minutes - Tonight

the piece they just did on the stock market was
anderson cooper is not gay......at least i don't think so....

and da eminem feature was meh......
dam if he is that's a waste of a handsome man

@ eminems scribbles looking like charles mansons diary
Originally Posted by cartune

AC and that Lemon guy are most def gay
for sure lemon....but AC...hmmm, guess it would explain his EXTRA efforts when it comes to "cyber bullying"
Originally Posted by Eranoitckik

I hate the new songs for some reason..... feels like my ears are about to bleed.

but should be good

his work is appreciated

u get no say in anything. you give yourself e-props.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

anderson cooper is not gay......at least i don't think so....   thank you google.

and da eminem feature was meh......
fixed.....gee...guess i always thought he just like talking care of himself.
I watching the Em piece right now. Is the stock market piece on flash trading and the events in early May?
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by miamib30514

the piece they just did on the stock market was
that eminem feature was basura.
Anyways the stock market is now secretly 70% run by superfast computers that sell and trade with no regards to company info just quantitative data.
Because of the technology they are getting information milliseconds before human traders and in turn turning profits for 4 straight years. Nobody really
knows if they are getting secret info or what the hell these cpu's are doing but the stock exchange is even selling them real estate on site so they can get
the info FASTER. Very risky because if one of these cpu's malfunctions like on may 6 2010 results could be disastrous. (market dropped 60% in 15 mins)
Anderson Cooper will forever be that dude 'cuz of the work he put in Haiti during the disaster relief. Son was in the trenches.
Eminem and Nas are the best rappers alive. He's definitely in my top 5, and yes I think Em>BIG
Marshall has always been a BEAST. From infinite to now. Him and Nas on my radar for GOAT.
Here's another one for you mainstreamers...
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