Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

You completely missed the point of what he was saying.

I originally wanted to know why people want to ban guns. They said because guns kill people. I mentioned that cars can kill people too. Should we ban cars because they kill people? No, right? Do we ban guns because they kill people? They are arguing yes... why? If both cars and guns can kill people why are we only talking about guns. Plenty of gun owners out there who never killed anyone, just like plenty of car owners out there who never killed anyone. I just want to get a better understanding of all this that's all.
You completely missed the point of what he was saying.
I originally wanted to know why people want to ban guns. They said because guns kill people. I mentioned that cars can kill people too. Should we ban cars because they kill people? No, right? Do we ban guns because they kill people? They are arguing yes... why? If both cars and guns can kill people why are we only talking about guns. Plenty of gun owners out there who never killed anyone, just like plenty of car owners out there who never killed anyone. I just want to get a better understanding of all this that's all.
Please stop with the cars talk....don't even entertain it. 
I just want to clarify that both outlets can serve as a purpose to harm others.

i can harm someone with my laptop, what is your point??....not everything you can use to harm someone is a WEAPON....a gun is and it has no other purpose, i mean if you dont understand that, you are seriously slow.

a car is not a weapon, just a machine used for transport....THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A CAR.
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I originally wanted to know why people want to ban guns.

Because its the easy "solution".

Our society has no answers for the hard questions and that's why we're in this position in the first place.

Banning assault weapons to stop random shooting massacres is almost as stupid as bailing out the companies that brought down our economy.

We have to change as a society, which isn't going to happen.

So I suggest you guys get used to seeing these every few months.
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Because its the easy "solution".
Our society has no answers for the hard questions and that's why we're in this position in the first place.
Banning assault weapons to stop random shooting massacres is almost as stupid as bailing out the companies that brought down our economy.
We have to change as a society, which isn't going to happen.
So I suggest you guys get used to seeing these every few months.

thats why the focus should be on dealing with mental illness, tightening the knot on gun control i doubt will have a big effect, because at the end of the day criminals could care less about the law, however putting more guns out for self-defense purposes is ******** silly....unless everyone owning a gun is put through the same stress training as a damb marine....which wont happen....so putting more guns in the hands of poorly trained citizens is asking for tons of accidents and far more murders.
I originally wanted to know why people want to ban guns. They said because guns kill people. I mentioned that cars can kill people too. Should we ban cars because they kill people? No, right? Do we ban guns because they kill people? They are arguing yes... why? If both cars and guns can kill people why are we only talking about guns. Plenty of gun owners out there who never killed anyone, just like plenty of car owners out there who never killed anyone. I just want to get a better understanding of all this that's all.

Take the semi-autos out of the hands of the public and what are the adverse effects? Then take away cars :lol:

You really can't grasp the concept man? Go grab a piece of paper and write down the pros and cons of not having guns vs. not having cars. I'm sure you'll get it eventually.
i can harm someone with my laptop, what is your point??....not everything you can use to harm someone is a WEAPON....a gun is and it has no other purpose, i mean if you dont understand that, you are seriously slow.
a car is not a weapon, just a machine used for transport....THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A CAR.

Well what about baseball bats or alcohol? Each year they contribute to more deaths than any rifle.
Well what about baseball bats or alcohol? Each year they contribute to more deaths than any rifle.

a baseball bats purpose is to play baseball
alcohol's purpose is to get drunk (eventually causing harm) but people dont use it with the intent to cause harm
cars purpose is to transport

i can go o for days, ANYTHING can be a weapon, the difference is with what purpose were they initially manufactured?....ya looking real stupid, missing the simplest of points being made in here.
i can harm someone with my laptop, what is your point??....not everything you can use to harm someone is a WEAPON....a gun is and it has no other purpose, i mean if you dont understand that, you are seriously slow.
a car is not a weapon, just a machine used for transport....THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A CAR.

A two ton vehicle traveling at 120 mph isn't a weapon?
i can harm someone with my laptop, what is your point??....not everything you can use to harm someone is a WEAPON....a gun is and it has no other purpose, i mean if you dont understand that, you are seriously slow.
a car is not a weapon, just a machine used for transport....THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A CAR.
A two ton vehicle traveling at 120 mph isn't a weapon?
Please stop you are rustling KSteezy's jimmies to the maxx
Take the semi-autos out of the hands of the public and what are the adverse effects? Then take away cars :lol:
You really can't grasp the concept man? Go grab a piece of paper and write down the pros and cons of not having guns vs. not having cars. I'm sure you'll get it eventually.

Excuse me sir, but more people are dying from car accidents then people walking around with guns in their hands. This is the basis of the argument, people getting killed.
I love how JPEG keeps addressing every little thing but completely avoids the crux of the argument.  Don't even bother.
a baseball bats purpose is to play baseball
alcohol's purpose is to get drunk (eventually causing harm) but people dont use it with the intent to cause harm
cars purpose is to transport
i can go o for days, ANYTHING can be a weapon, the difference is with what purpose were they initially manufactured?....ya looking real stupid, missing the simplest of points being made in here.

The initial point of a blunt object like a bat or club was probably at one point to kill people. Later down the road people figured, "Hey we can play games with this too."

No points are being missed here, it's just your logic sucks.
The initial point of a blunt object like a bat or club was probably at one point to kill people. Later down the road people figured, "Hey we can play games with this too."
No points are being missed here, it's just your logic sucks.

Aware me, bats existed before baseball?

People are not going on massive killing sprees with bats last I checked.
Excuse me sir, but more people are dying from car accidents then people walking around with guns in their hands. This is the basis of the argument, people getting killed.

No, the basis of the argument is that for most people cars are a necessity, they are used every single day. Compared to guns that serves the only purpose to kill, yes cars have killed people; but significant regulation is placed on cars, from the ability to operate one and laws in place to protect drivers/pedestrians.
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you guys getting trolled to the maxx
Ban cars and fill the streets with horses and watch the horse related deaths to significantly spike....use common sense you fools.
Cavemen and clubs?

Well it only took a caveman's club to be modified into what we know as a bat today couple of thousand years to be used in a national sport...lettuce be patient, the day guns are used in the same manner as bats will for sure arrive.
Well it only took a caveman's club to be modified into what we know as a bat today couple of thousand years to be used in a national sport...lettuce be patient, the day guns are used in the same manner as bats will for sure arrive.

Shooting has been an Olympic sport since 1896.
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