Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

They want attention, plain and simple. While some my have mental issues, it really comes down to the fact they probably were outcasts and had a small or non-existant social circle. It's not so much about killing themselves, as it is "Aye y'all finally paying attention to me now!" Then they can't live with what they did or suffer the consequences so they ***** out and turn the gun on theyselves
Kid's 5-10 year old kids. The people in this world are sickening. Things really don't shock or bother me but how can anyone do that to innocent children. I can't even imagine what the parent's must be feeling.
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Some might say that but I 'm not one of them. I believe he should have remained on this earth and been tortured for the rest of his life. Literally.
Not one ounce of sympathy from me. He killed kids. Innocent kids who didn't deserve to die.
Who's to say one of those kids wasn't the next Steve Jobs or Barack Obama? Potentially those kids could have affected millions and we'll never know.
He should feel the same pain those families are feeling. Only thing I agree with is avoiding trial for the families involved.
Why do you think these killers take their own lives? It's too avoid repercussions.
Death ≠ Justice.

Strong reasoning... And people wonder why things like this happen. This could have all been prevented if someone actually cared for these people and gave them proper treatment. Had a strong support group. Why do you think programs like NA and AA work. Strong support and motivation. Key ingredients for recovery. All it takes is some moral support. There is research that show people who are recovering after surgery at a hospital recover faster when they are surrounded by friends and family compared to having nobody by your side. This individual had nobody. Fell into depression and became psychotic.
Some might say that but I 'm not one of them. I believe he should have remained on this earth and been tortured for the rest of his life. Literally.
Not one ounce of sympathy from me. He killed kids. Innocent kids who didn't deserve to die.
Who's to say one of those kids wasn't the next Steve Jobs or Barack Obama? Potentially those kids could have affected millions and we'll never know.
He should feel the same pain those families are feeling. Only thing I agree with is avoiding trial for the families involved.
Why do you think these killers take their own lives? In order to avoid repercussions.
Death ≠ Justice.
I hope these families can get through this. With it being 11 days away from Christmas, these families will be reminded with every gift under the tree.
....so my original statement was more reflective of your beliefs than you tried to make it seem.  I don't see how sadistic action taken upon the gunman would do anything constructive for any individual or society as a whole.  It would just make YOU feel better, when it's not about you.  I don't feel sympathy for the gunman.  One can feel no sympathy by taking solace in the fact that he's dead, rather than wishing that he was alive so we could torture him.  That's just you showing your own sadistic side. 

And the Steve Jobs argument is completely inane considering that it could just as easily (if not more easily) go the other way, and I don't see how that would make torturing the gunman any better.
Kid's 5-10 year old kids. This people in this world are sickening. Things really don't shock or bother me but how can anyone do that to innocent children. I can't even imagine what the parent's must be feeling.

And that's what's killing me right now.

These kids were about to go to Christmas break. I heard that some kids were saying "I don't wanna die. I just wanna have a Christmas." :smh:

Parents going home to their kid's empty room and unopened presents. The crime scene is so awful that it'll take days to process. 27 bodies and blood everywhere in 2 rooms. No words.
Simply put, a lot of people find it hard to be rational/objective in situations like these. I always try to keep that in mind.
....so my original statement was more reflective of your beliefs than you tried to make it seem.  I don't see how sadistic action taken upon the gunman would do anything constructive for any individual or society as a whole.  It would just make YOU feel better, when it's not about you.  I don't feel sympathy for the gunman.  One can feel no sympathy by taking solace in the fact that he's dead, rather than wishing that he was alive so we could torture him.  That's just you showing your own sadistic side. 

And the Steve Jobs argument is completely inane considering that it could just as easily (if not more easily) go the other way, and I don't see how that would make torturing the gunman any better.

No. You attached my opinion to that of society's mob mentality.
I never denied being what you hold as sadistic. I addressed the issue of justice and gave you my opinion on it.
In fact in my original post I specifically said..
"I personally would have liked to see him suffer."
Not once have I denied my opinion. I never spoke upon the families and what's constructive of society.
I said I wanted justice and gave my definition of it.
I believe that his death was too easy. You feel differently.. I'm fine with that.
And now haters have found a way to factor in Rick Ross, how? or why? I have no idea.. Completely irrelevant to this whole situation. Dudes need to get a life.
Saw that a tweet that said "How can you write an obituary for a 5 year old...then write 19 more"

That got me.

Ross SMFH. Dude didn't mean it that way but not a smart move
man Somebody said earlier why the kids interviewed seemed so calm, it's not because they don't KNOW what happened its because even though they're somewhat sheltered suburban children they're already somewhat desensitized to violence.

That's a huge reach. It's not likely at all that they're desensitized to violence at 5-7 years old. I would imagine there were a lot of children in that school that were traumatized, whether they witnessed anything or not. The reporters may want to interview those kids or might've shown some decency and respect and let them grieve but the parents probably wouldn't allow their distraught child on camera. The maybe 5+ kids that were interviewed seemed to not fully grasp just how horrible this is, not that they're desensitized...just the opposite, actually.

If anything, they don't have a full understanding of the magnitude of what happened and that 20 of their classmates plus their principal and other persinnel are gone forever. You can say they're sheltered suburban kids which may be true but they're just little kids. They're not supposed to be exposed to or prepared for something this tragic.
Just read that letter. That last line tho. Damn. :smh: this is a effed up world sometimes. Seriously count your blessings.
These children witnessed things that most adults haven't. I'm 29 years old and in the military, and I've never seen murder first hand. These children might be scarred for life.
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I haven't been willing to read any articles cause this is so sad, and I'm only an outsider looking in.. Imagine those poor parents that lost their babies? Or the poor kids that are probably gonna be scarred for life?? It's incomprehensible and I finally realized why.. It would another maniac to understand this maniac's actions...
anybody hear what Rick Ross just did as a "tribute" to the dead children @ Cali Christmas?

dude said "I want to give a shout out to all the kids that lost they motherf***'n lives in Connecticut. Put yo hands up if you gonna ride for em" then went into "Stay Schemin"

I swear I hate these murder suicide *******...like god damn just take your ******g life and leave innocent people alone....and if you are gonna do something so sickening at least man up and face your punishment.....just hate he got to go out on his own terms....rather him sit in a cell for life or get the injection so he can die a painful death.....a bullet to the dome is too easy
^ and they do the exact opposite. every. single. time.

then ask.. 'why?'
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Strong reasoning... And people wonder why things like this happen. This could have all been prevented if someone actually cared for these people and gave them proper treatment. Had a strong support group. Why do you think programs like NA and AA work. Strong support and motivation. Key ingredients for recovery. All it takes is some moral support. There is research that show people who are recovering after surgery at a hospital recover faster when they are surrounded by friends and family compared to having nobody by your side. This individual had nobody. Fell into depression and became psychotic.

Ok this dude had nobody. That excuses him killing innocent people?
Millions of people are depressed and they don't go on rampage shootings.
This dude was a coward. Period. Depressed or not, this dude knew what he was doing.
Honestly though, why are you telling me this?
Because I believe in an eye for an eye punishment, people go on rampage shootings?
You don't know me, nor what I do outside of NT. I actually have a roommate in AA right now and I've sworn off drinking around him until he feel's comfortable again.
I will fully support anyone that WANTS help. This dude could have spoke to a psychiatrist if he really felt some kind of way.
However, AFTER a crime like this is committed, there's no going back.
He knew exactly what he was doing. Depressed or not.
I wish he were alive and being tortured right now..
Call me sadistic, insensitive, or sick. IDC because I'd never do these things to innocent people or animals.
My prayers go out to everyone involved.
Am i the only one that can't sleep right now? I can't stop thinking about those poor innocent kids.
Drugs are not guns. You don't buy drugs to commit mass murders. How man drug dealers are going to really jump into the gun business? 1. They would not be as in demand as drugs. 2. They aren't as easy to move as drugs.
We really cannot stop the production of drugs, nor even slow it down. We can significantly decrease the production of guns.
I'd take my chances with these nuts trying to build pipe bombs than just being able to pull out a gun and start spraying.
That's just as bad imo. If you are a responsible gun owner you wouldn't let people have access to your guns. You don't deserve to own guns if you can't take care of them.
The thing about the responsible Gun Owner thing is he could have STOLEN them then commited the crime before the owner knew.

Lets say I have a cabinet of rifles and rarely takes them out which is not a uncommon thing.A guy I know takes two rifles without me knowing. Since I RARELY take them out except to clean it could be weeks before I know they are gone.
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