ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

So I wandered over to the Sean Hannity forums...


A Prayer for McCain
Father, in the name of Jesus, we come to You right now asking for a miracle in this election.&n! bsp;Lor d, welift up to You right now Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin. Lord, we ask that You would just wrap Your arms around them and their families at this critical time. Father, we ask for miracle upon miracle in this election. We know that only You can turn the tide of evil in this election. Father, as we await the final days of the election, we ask in complete faith that You would allow the truth to be known across this land.
Lord, we ask for forgiveness for putting You last...Father, please heal our land and homes, allow us to have another chance to love You the way You should be loved. Lord, we ask specifically for John and Sarah's health, wisdom, words, actions and their campaign staff. Lord, we lift them all up to You now. Father, we also specifically ask for the voters in many states who are battleground states. Lord, please convict the hearts of voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, North Dakota, Virginia, Nevada and Colorado .

Father, we beg for every electoral vote. Lord, we lift all of our needs up to You now. In the name of Jesus we claim victory in Your name. Lord, we pray for Your will to be done in a mighty way...we know that this election can and will glorify You! Father, place the man you would have to lead our country in a Christian way on November 4. We love You, Lord. We await Your holy miracles...

In Jesus' Name we pr! ay, Ame n


Christian extremism FTW!
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

So I wandered over to the Sean Hannity forums...


A Prayer for McCain
Father, in the name of Jesus, we come to You right now asking for a miracle in this election.&n! bsp;Lor d, welift up to You right now Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin. Lord, we ask that You would just wrap Your arms around them and their families at this critical time. Father, we ask for miracle upon miracle in this election. We know that only You can turn the tide of evil in this election. Father, as we await the final days of the election, we ask in complete faith that You would allow the truth to be known across this land.
Lord, we ask for forgiveness for putting You last...Father, please heal our land and homes, allow us to have another chance to love You the way You should be loved. Lord, we ask specifically for John and Sarah's health, wisdom, words, actions and their campaign staff. Lord, we lift them all up to You now. Father, we also specifically ask for the voters in many states who are battleground states. Lord, please convict the hearts of voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, North Dakota, Virginia, Nevada and Colorado .

Father, we beg for every electoral vote. Lord, we lift all of our needs up to You now. In the name of Jesus we claim victory in Your name. Lord, we pray for Your will to be done in a mighty way...we know that this election can and will glorify You! Father, place the man you would have to lead our country in a Christian way on November 4. We love You, Lord. We await Your holy miracles...

In Jesus' Name we pr! ay, Ame n



These people are crazy......They actually BELIEVE Obama is evil, and that he'll destroy the U.S. How can we take the some christian conservatives seriousafter stuff like this?
It seems like anyone that does not agree with their stance is vilified by them.
Tunnel Vision wrote:
Originally Posted by TBONE95860



Obama is most likely going to win, just leave the people alone and let them vote. This isn't necessary.

TBONE, we're on different sides of the fence, but I agree with your
� This does nothing to help anyone, but it reinforces stereotypes that further divide us as a country.

The comments on that video are wild.
Originally Posted by d3772000

The comments on that video are wild.

Get used to these tactics...this is what we are in for for the next 4 years if Obama is elected. Good bye freedom of speech...Freedom of choice.

If this was white people everyone would be crying RACIST Waaaaaaa!!!!!!
But since they are black networks are SCARED to report it

those are the funniest
, its being reported on a national news station!
SMH at my state...

Apparently at Baylor University, there have been nooses spotted all around campus with signs that say "hang the blacks"...
and Texas A&M black students have been advised not to walk alone today and tomorrow in case something happens...

These are just rumors I was told, no proof yet... but still... I wouldn't be shocked sadly...
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

So I wandered over to the Sean Hannity forums...


A Prayer for McCain
Father, in the name of Jesus, we come to You right now asking for a miracle in this election.&n! bsp;Lor d, welift up to You right now Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin. Lord, we ask that You would just wrap Your arms around them and their families at this critical time. Father, we ask for miracle upon miracle in this election. We know that only You can turn the tide of evil in this election. Father, as we await the final days of the election, we ask in complete faith that You would allow the truth to be known across this land.
Lord, we ask for forgiveness for putting You last...Father, please heal our land and homes, allow us to have another chance to love You the way You should be loved. Lord, we ask specifically for John and Sarah's health, wisdom, words, actions and their campaign staff. Lord, we lift them all up to You now. Father, we also specifically ask for the voters in many states who are battleground states. Lord, please convict the hearts of voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, North Dakota, Virginia, Nevada and Colorado .

Father, we beg for every electoral vote. Lord, we lift all of our needs up to You now. In the name of Jesus we claim victory in Your name. Lord, we pray for Your will to be done in a mighty way...we know that this election can and will glorify You! Father, place the man you would have to lead our country in a Christian way on November 4. We love You, Lord. We await Your holy miracles...

In Jesus' Name we pr! ay, Ame n



Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

He means democrat.

info on dixville what state is it in and is it a big county?
Dixville Notch, N.H.
The vote was 15-6 in favor of Obama.

and he forgot to add a little tidbit...

Dixville has 25 people in the county
Yea I looked into it and dixville is probly the most worthless county to win since it's the smallest one in the country.
Here I was thinking it was some huge county in a swing state that would be avery strategic location.
Originally Posted by HtownRox14

SMH at my state...

Apparently at Baylor University, there have been nooses spotted all around campus with signs that say "hang the blacks"...
and Texas A&M black students have been advised not to walk alone today and tomorrow in case something happens...

These are just rumors I was told, no proof yet... but still... I wouldn't be shocked sadly...

are you serious?
Originally Posted by HtownRox14

SMH at my state...

Apparently at Baylor University, there have been nooses spotted all around campus with signs that say "hang the blacks"...
and Texas A&M black students have been advised not to walk alone today and tomorrow in case something happens...

These are just rumors I was told, no proof yet... but still... I wouldn't be shocked sadly...
Then don't post it. You're just riling up the minions here.
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