- Feb 3, 2004
- 44
- 10
Originally Posted by KICKS OFF
Olbermann is a one trick pony political analyst. he does the same rant and rave performance over and over again, but changes the names of the people he uses for his platform. don't be fooled by anyone on any of those cable news network when it comes to information. it's just embarrassing how networks have corrupted the way the news is being delivered nowadays for the sake of ratings. I'm not a Republican or Democrat. I consider myself an Independent, even though I usually side more with the Democrats. people need to understand politics is a dirty game played by dirty people from both sides. I think TBONE goes overboard with some of his posts, but I honestly get a kick out them, and give him props for the updates of this Presidential race. at the same time, a few Obama supporters in here are also going way overboard with some of their posts. if anyone thinks McCain has gone this far without talking about issues to the people he's "targeting" you are sadly mistaken. both parties did not get this far without issues being involved. the problem is, both parties have been giving the American people limited explanation on the issues. we will get the full impact of the issues from both Obama and McCain during the debates. it has always been this way, and will always continue to be this way.
I will be voting for Obama, but this was a bad 3 days for the dem-party. you can almost feel the momentum swing slowly moving towards McCain.@ Biden with those quotes about Hillary probably being a better pick as VP. does Biden drink? did anyone see Biden yesterday telling Columbia, MO State Senator Chuck Graham to stand? Chuck Graham is in a wheelchair.
Good points. +1