ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by Stork



where can i see the state election votes by district? I live in CA. I wanna see how the rest of my district voted...i saw mad McCain/Palin signs
SMH.....at the people who think Obama will turn the USA socialist. I think Obama and the Democrats paln should be return to country to Clinton- esqueeconomics. Change can be good for a while (8-12 years) anymore than that a party becomes corrupt ex the Republicans.

This map is very good for looking on a county by county basis. If you want to really figure out how Obama did it, compared the maps to the 2004 maps. He wonthis election in the suburbs. Even though my State, California, was not a swing State, my County, Ventura, is a middle of the road, bell weather county and itwent red in 2004 and blue this year. Actually my whole area code, the 805, which extends from the Western border with LA County and covers Ventura, Santa,Barabra and San Luis Obispo Counties summarized this election and the movement of white, college educated voters.

It is also funny that Barack Obama did better than any white Democratic presidential candidate since 1964 in terms of winning white votes and white collegeeducated votes. Bill Clinton made some inroads into the suburbs but not like Barack Obama has done.

Good find Fresh, I love my State. BTW there was more than a hint of weed smoke in the air at the last Laker's championship parade and that will be the casethis June.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

SMH.....at the people who think Obama will turn the USA socialist. I think Obama and the Democrats paln should be return to country to Clinton- esque economics. Change can be good for a while (8-12 years) anymore than that a party becomes corrupt ex the Republicans.

There isnt going to be a Dot-Com Bubble this time around for the Dems. Not saying Obama cant do it, but that's why the economy was so good for Clinton.
This is Ari Emanuel's (real life Ari Gold) brother...


Chief of staff offered to Emanuel
Selection begins for new administration

President-elect Barack Obama chose Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel to be his White House chief of staff, his first selection for the new administration, Democratic officials said Wednesday. If Emanuel accepts, he would return to the White House where he served as a political and policy adviser to President Clinton.

Emanuel is the brother of Hollywood uber-agent Ari Emanuel, founder of Endeavor.

Several Democrats also said Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry was actively seeking appointment as secretary of State in the new administration.

Two campaign officials said the appointment of a chief of staff was not expected for at least a day.

Instead, they said Obama would issue a written statement announcing that his transition team would be headed by John Podesta, who served as chief of staff under Clinton; Pete Rouse, who has been Obama's chief of staff in the Senate; and Valerie Jarrett, a friend of the president-elect and campaign adviser.

The officials who described the developments did so on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss events not yet announced.

On the day after Obama's election, several prominent Democrats described uncertainty about the extent to which lobbyists would be invited to work in the new administration. As a candidate, Obama frequently said lobbyists would not run his White House.

That left unclear whether they would be permitted to serve, and if so, in what posts and under what conditions.

The president-elect had breakfast with his wife and daughters, then left his house for a workout at a nearby gym. Aides said he intended to visit his campaign headquarters later in the day to thank his staff.

Obama has 10 weeks to build a new administration. But his status as an incumbent member of Congress presents issues unseen since 1960, when John F. Kennedy moved from the Senate to the White House.

The Senate is scheduled to hold a post-election session in two weeks, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a news conference Wednesday to reinforce her call for quick action on a bill to stimulate the economy.

That places Obama in uncharted territory -- a president-elect, presumably first among equals among congressional Democrats. Yet his and their ability to enact legislation depends almost entirely until Inauguration Day on President Bush's willingness to sign it.

I'm not gonna lie, I've done a total 180 since yesterday (heck even since this morning). But, after reading a lot of stuff and watching all thereactions today. And then actually thinking about how historic it is for America to have a minority as the President after we as a nation in our 225 years havebeen thru slavery, segregation, and 43 other white Presidents, I really wish I would have been pulling for Obama all along. McCain would have probably justbeen Bush 2.0.

The only reasons I really got turned off by Obama early on was Rev. Wright. I always thought because of Rev. Wright, Obama was just another Jesse Jackson orAl Sharpton.
And the fact I didn't think he had enought experiencein office.

But, this election just goes to show how truly great America is. And here in America I can tell my kids you can be ANYTHING you want if you put your mind toit. I was going to wait until my kids got older to make another trip to DC (been there twice and loved it). Now, I'm going to do everything in my power togo to the Inauguration and take my 2 boys. So, they can tell their kids that they was there and witnessed history.

Now, I personally don't think Obama is going to be able to change much in office, but he gave a lot of people hope being elected, and that's whatAmerica should be about.

So, NT please forgive me, I'm very very late, but I'm now on the wagon.
Can't wait to see what Sean Hannity has to later on tonight, lets see if he even showed up on his show today, time for that FRAUD to eat crow
Was this posted? According to Fox News, Palin thought Africa was a country and didn't know the countries in NAFTA.

I can't wait for more Palin revelations.
Howard Stern Interviews Obama supporters in Harlem, New York City.

This +#%+ is
at the trick he did.
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