ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by Baller23217

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Can someone lay out exactly why you're so excited for Obama to be our president? I don't follow politics at all so can someone just spell out in simple terms why I should be happy with America's decision?
Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....
Salty Republican.

Maybe because people are finally starting to realize that we don't need to be in Iraq, tolerance is more beneficial than imposing, and that the Southern 'Bible Belt' way of doing things is doing more harm than good.

I'm not salty. I'm worried....scared even for the future of the country.

I don't understand why we're still in Iraq after all this time so that's fine. I'm more concerned with not having a choice about how my own hard earned money is distributed...

To answer your question basically I think alot people are happy because they feel if will be a return to the Clinton years as opposed to the Bush years. Alsofor Black people they are excited because they feel finally equal.

Also about the redistribution don't buy into the propaganda. Obama is not going "Peter Pan it" any more than Bill Clinton did. It would take 20plus years of Liberal rule before real "redisturbting" ever takes place.
Originally Posted by Essential1

As a white guy I'll break it down..

Being white voting for a white guy because you dont want a black man in office = Racism
Being black voting for an unqualified black man ex: Al Sharpton = Racist
Being black voting for a qualified black man ex: Barack Obama = Not racist at all

I'm talkin about the millions that voted for Obama simply because he's black and not knowing anything beyond that.
Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by Essential1

stop being Salty GoVols your just mad 57 million people as of right now voted for Obama i can guarentee a majority didn't vote because Young Jeezy said so..... I supported Obama last December and still support him now.. And I can bet you know nothing about politics and the correct policy for a faltering nation.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122126282034130461.html?mod=opinion_main_commentarieshttp://online.wsj.com/art...opinion_main_commentaries Read and talk to me in 4 years. Simple economics. Sorry I don't equate factual economics with buying blue lambo's and supporting ridiculous causes. Go listen to young jeezy and dream about your lambo's.

did you not just read me say I guarentee Young Jeezy did not influence 57 million people to vote for Obama.. Oh no you went to the Rush Limbaugh school ofcommunication.. SIT DOWN.. Because for every economic article you bring up i could go find 6 more and top CEOs and Presidents who say Obama has a far superioreconomic plan.
Originally Posted by Essential1

As a white guy I'll break it down..

Being white voting for a white guy because you dont want a black man in office = Racism
Being black voting for an unqualified black man ex: Al Sharpton = Racist
Being black voting for a qualified black man ex: Barack Obama = Not racist at all

being black and voting for a black man when you say you like his stance on things when in reality you have no clue about politics and you hide the fact thatyou have no other reason to vote for him because he is black = racist

which all of my black friends did.

But as a republican who ended up voting for mccain, not because of partisanship but on my beliefs, I commend Mr. Obama. I just hope his withdrawal from Iraqisn't as swift as he's putting it out to be, because I have this strange feeling the war will come home
Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth


Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....

^^^ There are not a lot of people voted for Obama because he is black. I can't stress that enough.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0 Coincidence or not?
I've seen that video and I still stick by my statement. Those people are simply misinformed or just not interested in politics. They aresupporting Obama because he is a democrat not because he is black. I guarantee you that if Obama was white, you would have got the exact same answers fromthose people. Just because they are stupid and don't know Obama's policies doesn't mean they support Obama because he is black. They are votingfor the party, and not the party's values.
for all those who wish pac could have seen it, why would he say this. "..and though it seems heaven sent/we aint ready to have a black president" -2pac
Originally Posted by Baller23217

Originally Posted by Essential1

As a white guy I'll break it down..

Being white voting for a white guy because you dont want a black man in office = Racism
Being black voting for an unqualified black man ex: Al Sharpton = Racist
Being black voting for a qualified black man ex: Barack Obama = Not racist at all

I'm talkin about the millions that voted for Obama simply because he's black and not knowing anything beyond that.

Its not that simple though because blacks only encompass 13% of the country so that is 20 million $#% (that is everyone from age 0-130) so that leavesprobably like 10 million who are of age the possibly only 8 mil were allowed to vote
^ Thank you Mister Friendly,
that seems more reasonable to be excited for Obama.

but forreal, yeah I get that some people have no idea what Obama is all about and still run around saying "VOTE FOR CHANGE" and whatnot, and othersvote just because he's black.

But let's get real here - he could potentially do some really good things here. People hated Clinton's taxation of the upper class, yet without a sexconspiracy to put a dent in his rep, he was one of the better presidents that the US has seen (economically speaking). I feel like Obama is taking some of whatClinton did in the past and is trying to push the envelope on it - it could work out, or it could not work out. Only time will tell, but don't hate on himwinning because a few people are ignorant.

And honestly, don't hate on McCain - he's a legitimately good dude, and one of the more progressive Republicans we have seen in years. He was verystand-up in his speech tonight and I have nothing but respect for him. You can tell that he loves America - and had the Democratic candidate seemed lesscapable, I may have voted for him
Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth


Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....

^^^ There are not a lot of people voted for Obama because he is black. I can't stress that enough.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0 Coincidence or not?

I've seen that video and I still stick by my statement. Those people are simply misinformed or just not interested in politics. They are supporting Obama because he is a democrat not because he is black. I guarantee you that if Obama was white, you would have got the exact same answers from those people. Just because they are stupid and don't know Obama's policies doesn't mean they support Obama because he is black. They are voting for the party, and not the party's values.

And that is the exact point I am trying to make! I cannot stand people that vote for a person and don't even know the issues! I guarantee you that plentyof voters around here voted for McCain because they thought Obama was muslim because of his middle name and all that. It is complete ignornace and I cannotstand that. It just seems like the majority of this board voted for Obama because he is black, which is ignorant and a sad state for this nation...
Originally Posted by knightngale

kerry and gore did better in the south

the south is still racist

I did a county by county of Georgia and Texas (states i spend most my time in) to see where exactly all the red votes were coming from.

All the cities voted Obama. Houston, Atlanta, Dallas, etc. The countryside voted republican. It's not so much about racism as it is City to Countrysidepopulation ratio,.If you look at states like New York, Pennsylvania etc. Believe me, counties in those states voted for McCain...but of course, when you havemost of your population based in urban areas the countryside is negated. New York = NYC. Pennsylvania = Pittsburgh and Philly. But Georgia does not equalAtlanta.
Originally Posted by Baller23217

Originally Posted by GrizztheBoss

Originally Posted by Baller23217

Can someone lay out exactly why you're so excited for Obama to be our president? I don't follow politics at all so can someone just spell out in simple terms why I should be happy with America's decision?

You can repeat his slogan over and over. It doesn't really mean anything. What's he gonna change?
He just changed history
Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by Essential1

stop being Salty GoVols your just mad 57 million people as of right now voted for Obama i can guarentee a majority didn't vote because Young Jeezy said so..... I supported Obama last December and still support him now.. And I can bet you know nothing about politics and the correct policy for a faltering nation.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122126282034130461.html?mod=opinion_main_commentarieshttp://online.wsj.com/art...opinion_main_commentaries Read and talk to me in 4 years. Simple economics. Sorry I don't equate factual economics with buying blue lambo's and supporting ridiculous causes. Go listen to young jeezy and dream about your lambo's.

You realize that piece is severly biased. Phil Gramm was a Republican Senator from Texas.

He was also McCain's Senior Economic Advisor. He is also thought to be one the main
culprits of the current economic situation.

Excerpt from Wikipedia

Gramm and the 2007 mortgage and 2008 economic crises
Some economists believe that the 1999 legislation spearheaded by Gramm and signed into law by President Clinton -- the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act -- was partially to blame for leading to the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis and 2008 global economiccrisis.[sup][9][/sup][sup][10][/sup]. The Actis most well-known for repealing much of the Glass-Steagall Act, whichhad regulated the financial services industry. Gramm responded to such criticism by stating that he saw "no evidence whatsoever" that the subprimemortgage crisis was caused in any way "by allowing banks and securities companies and insurance companies to compete against each other."[sup][11][/sup]

The Washington Post in 2008 named Gramm one of seven "key players" responsible for winning a 1998-1999 fight against regulation of derivatives trading. [sup][12][/sup] Gramm was later critical to passage of the Commodity Futures ModernizationAct of 2000, which kept derivatives transactions, including those involving credit default swaps, free of government regulation.[sup][13][/sup]

2008 Nobel Laureatein Economics Paul Krugman, an ardent critic of the Bush administration, has calledGramm "the high priest of deregulation" and has listed him as the number two person responsible for the economic crisis of 2008 behind only Alan Greenspan.[sup][14][/sup][sup][15][/sup]

On October 14, 2008, CNN ranked Gramm number seven in its list of the 10 individuals mostresponsible for the current economic crisis
Originally Posted by hondurican21

Originally Posted by Baller23217

Originally Posted by GrizztheBoss

Originally Posted by Baller23217

Can someone lay out exactly why you're so excited for Obama to be our president? I don't follow politics at all so can someone just spell out in simple terms why I should be happy with America's decision?

You can repeat his slogan over and over. It doesn't really mean anything. What's he gonna change?
He just changed history
I understand that. I just think a more capable black man (or woman for that matter) could come along in the future and do a great job. Itdidn't have to be the first black man that had a legitimate shot.

Hopefully that makes sense.
it all comes down to the fact that 57 million voted for Obama and 51 or 52 million voted for McCain.. I guarentee you if you want to be racial about it morewhites voted for McCain because Obama is black. Than blacks voted for Obama because Obama is black. Even if it was equal then your argument means nothing...

He is your president you don't have to like it but THE COUNTRY HAS SPOKEN. And us 57 million United States citizens will go about improving the countrywhile you few million in the McCain or Barr or Nader or just too lazy to vote side +*#** and complain and accomplish nothing...
Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth


Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....

^^^ There are not a lot of people voted for Obama because he is black. I can't stress that enough.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0 Coincidence or not?

I've seen that video and I still stick by my statement. Those people are simply misinformed or just not interested in politics. They are supporting Obama because he is a democrat not because he is black. I guarantee you that if Obama was white, you would have got the exact same answers from those people. Just because they are stupid and don't know Obama's policies doesn't mean they support Obama because he is black. They are voting for the party, and not the party's values.

And that is the exact point I am trying to make! I cannot stand people that vote for a person and don't even know the issues! I guarantee you that plenty of voters around here voted for McCain because they thought Obama was muslim because of his middle name and all that. It is complete ignornace and I cannot stand that. It just seems like the majority of this board voted for Obama because he is black, which is ignorant and a sad state for this nation...
Oh I'm not trying to justify it at all. I think that these people should be voting on the policies and not the "name". That video is a sad representation of how uninformed and uneducated some American people are during such an important election. I just hate when people say that"blacks are voting for Obama because he is black" because in reality it's more for the reason that he is a democrat. I will admit that there area number of blacks who did vote for him for the reason that he is black (the wrong reason) but definitely not as significant of a number as people wouldassume.

The majority of this board is young and there are a lot of African Americans here too and young people and African Americans have historically tended to votefor the democratic candidate. However, It has been clear that a LOT of people on this board DO know the issues and that is how they based their decision. Thereare plenty of blacks during the election who voted for Mccain as well.

I think that it's important that we focus on the issues and the values of the candidate because the other non-important factors like race and gendershouldn't shape a decision. It should definitely be a reason to be proud but not the primary reason to vote a certain way.
can it really get any worse than GW Bush Administration x2.

Hopefully Obama can help the country dig itself out of this hole. Barack Obama is in precarious position, a lot of Americans are in fear due to the unstable(i.e. terrible) economy. The mortgage crisis, bailouts, etc. The Obama administration has it's work cut out for them. At the end, personally, I believethey know, understand and have a plan for the task at hand. Furthermore, the GW administration left a bad taste in a lot of American's mouths, and it hurtthe Republican Party. Having Sarah Palin as your running mate did not help either.

There are a lot of factors to Barack Obama's monumental victory.
Originally Posted by Baller23217

I understand that. I just think a more capable black man (or woman for that matter) could come along in the future and do a great job. It didn't have to be the first black man that had a legitimate shot.

Hopefully that makes sense.
*waits for 12 NTer's to come in and say "you're not ready for change"*
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Pennsylvania = Pittsburgh and Philly.
Small town Pennsylvania voted for Obama in droves.

Never been more proud to be from PA. Hopefully Obama helps keep my job here in the United States and not ship it over to China like Bush did or McCainwould.
Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by GoVols234

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth


Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....

^^^ There are not a lot of people voted for Obama because he is black. I can't stress that enough.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhbH9IYirD0 Coincidence or not?

I've seen that video and I still stick by my statement. Those people are simply misinformed or just not interested in politics. They are supporting Obama because he is a democrat not because he is black. I guarantee you that if Obama was white, you would have got the exact same answers from those people. Just because they are stupid and don't know Obama's policies doesn't mean they support Obama because he is black. They are voting for the party, and not the party's values.

And that is the exact point I am trying to make! I cannot stand people that vote for a person and don't even know the issues! I guarantee you that plenty of voters around here voted for McCain because they thought Obama was muslim because of his middle name and all that. It is complete ignornace and I cannot stand that. It just seems like the majority of this board voted for Obama because he is black, which is ignorant and a sad state for this nation...

Oh I'm not trying to justify it at all. I think that these people should be voting on the policies and not the "name". That video is a sad representation of how uninformed and uneducated some American people are during such an important election. I just hate when people say that "blacks are voting for Obama because he is black" because in reality it's more for the reason that he is a democrat. I will admit that there are a number of blacks who did vote for him for the reason that he is black (the wrong reason) but definitely not as significant of a number as people would assume.

The majority of this board is young and there are a lot of African Americans here too and young people and African Americans have historically tended to vote for the democratic candidate. However, It has been clear that a LOT of people on this board DO know the issues and that is how they based their decision. There are plenty of blacks during the election who voted for Mccain as well.

I think that it's important that we focus on the issues and the values of the candidate because the other non-important factors like race and gender shouldn't shape a decision. It should definitely be a reason to be proud but not the primary reason to vote a certain way.

how do you know? i don't think many people would admit that's how they voted. we can't put numbers on it. i'd feel better if obamawon without those votes.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

was anyone else scared when watching obama's acceptance speech? i promise you i thought homie was going to get sniped right there on national tv.

but he didnt... obamanomics baby.
I kept looking at the high rise buildings when ever the camera went that way

anybody notice how CNN kept focusing on those 2 white women that looked alike?

I was really scared of this too... I thought there would be more glasses (22 i heard) than these two to his right (and possibly left)... probably from anypossible points that could shoot in those buildings that were within a mile or so away.
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