ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America


"Dam that speech was tight"
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by georgehimself

I am buying 5 newspapers tomorrow. I am going to show these to my kids one day.

Better get one early. I'm almost guaranteeing they will sell out.

I still h ave mine from the day after the 2000 election when FL was still counting.

8 years ago. Wow, time flies.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My aspirations are to get into politics and this man just opened the door forpeople like me.

I shed some tears tonight because I, as an African American, actually feel as though the American dream is possible.

Thank you Senator President Obama

Daily News
NY Times
and the newest Time and Newsweeks will be copped

I still cant believe this.

I feel like I'm on top of the world.
Definitely shed a tear or two watching Obama speak. Absolutely incredible. It's a damn shame the outcry this has caused and will cause. Dude is really thereal deal.
That seriously was one HELL of a speech.

If y'all knuckleheads would have had some 'ackright', I could have paid enough attention to jot down some parts of it for keeping, but insteadI'll have to wait until a google search yields the speech, so I can copy it that way.


Did anyone else get reminded of the final scene of Independence Day when Barack's and Biden's wives came out?
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