ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

on another note, my rockets are puttin up a fight against the celtics
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

... you all brought in upon yourselves...

Could it get any worse?

I just don't get how so many folks complain either way.
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

**Waits for change.

It's gonna be exciting either way.

Props to Obama on the win. Straight up.

HYPE about 2012.
now that Obama's good for blacks in the presidency I wanna see my own minority represented soon in the white house.
Obama's opened the door for all minorities

I'd vote for Bobby!!..
Real talk, i want this crazy EBW dude baned from NT. But im afraid because of his join date, his blatant racist comment will fly over the admins head. Look howthis EBW dude trying switch up his steelo praising obama now.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

This country=FAIL.

I've never felt so much racism in my blood in my ENTIRE life.

I need to change my icon. SMH.

Hey, at least you're honest.

*adds to Ignore list*
anything you say after this ebw is null and void. I think you should be banned.
I'm so sick of Louisiana.....How the hell do you vote for a Republican president and a Democratic senator. People here are so backwards and close minded. You guys should've seen some of the looks I got when I wore my Obama shirt on Sunday.
Maybe people aren't voting straight party. Now there is a concept!
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Picking Palin was the worst thing he could've done.
But...but it excited the base.

Anyway, I'm not calling it yet, but I'm just glad we can go back to good old Niketalk where I don't dislike guys like TBONE and nnarum.

Lets all be friends again.


I didn't know we weren't...

*extends hand*

PS - Reached my limit, had to change screen names.

PPS - I hate this name.
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

**Waits for change.

It's gonna be exciting either way.

Props to Obama on the win. Straight up.

HYPE about 2012.
now that Obama's good for blacks in the presidency I wanna see my own minority represented soon in the white house.
Obama's opened the door for all minorities
Jindal will be the nominee in 2012, and that election will be epic.
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

**Waits for change.

It's gonna be exciting either way.

Props to Obama on the win. Straight up.

HYPE about 2012.
now that Obama's good for blacks in the presidency I wanna see my own minority represented soon in the white house.
Obama's opened the door for all minorities
obama is latin enough for me. Black and Latins both win. YAY!
is this really happening? my president is going to be Barack Obama..........
Originally Posted by Black Milk

Real talk, i want this crazy EBW dude baned from NT. But im afraid because of his join date, his blatant racist comment will fly over the admins head. Look how this EBW dude trying switch up his steelo praising obama now.
Go report him then, Mayor...
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Sure is a lot of juvenile activity in this thread. So the guy you wanted to win won. Now go out and make him look like he deserved your vote.

Originally Posted by Timpace

Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

**Waits for change.

It's gonna be exciting either way.

Props to Obama on the win. Straight up.

HYPE about 2012.
now that Obama's good for blacks in the presidency I wanna see my own minority represented soon in the white house.
Obama's opened the door for all minorities

I'd vote for Bobby!!..

I don't see it happening, after the racial divide the GOP has created....
I see many people saying its a wrap for this country now and we brought this on ourselves. You just sound like bitter little kids. If you have a reason forthinking Barack is so bad for the country then let it be known. This is a "discussion" forum not a letmescoffatothersbecauseimsalty forum. Otherwisejust fall back because nobody will take you seriously if you don't have any "constructive" criticism. On another note just drop the whole"You guys only voted for Obama because he's black" garbage. You have no right to say such things you're only showing how little you think ofother people's opinions. If you don't agree that's fine but if that's all you've got to say just log off.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Obama is half white...too many people forget that. He's got his white supporters too. I think he represents ALL people not just blacks. Btw, I'm bi-racial as well blk/wht so I'm not playin a race card here just bein truthful.

Originally Posted by dapimpjuice4ya

I'm so sick of Louisiana.....How the hell do you vote for a Republican president and a Democratic senator. People here are so backwards and close minded. You guys should've seen some of the looks I got when I wore my Obama shirt on Sunday.
We did it for Bush as well. It's so we can have someone to hold the President in check. Louisiana will always vote for the GOP,unfortunately. Our education system sucks, therefore people are clueless and close minded. By the way I voted for Obama and Mary.
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